大家好!我是在日本东京居住的k!I enjoy learning different languages and am currently studying Korean and English! lol Regarding my experience as a teacher,I have taught Chinese conversation to Japanese and Korean speakers. My motto is to help students study the language while having fun chatting. For beginners, I will explain the meanings and nuances of each term in detail using Japanese. For intermediate to ad
Hi there!我叫Jean C. Panares。我擁有多媒體及資訊網路的學士學位,以及ESL的教學經驗(線上及實體)。我和許多學員/學生一同學習多年,這培養了我建立良好人際關係的能力。此外,我也曾設計過兒童及成人的英語課程,包括普通英語課、商用英語課、面試練習課及檢定準備課...等,我會全心全意幫助學員達成長期目標,為此提供合適的指導就是是我的任務。過去的教學經驗都讓我成長了許多。站在講師的立場,我希望學員能不設限自己,變的更有彈性,所以我會做學員的好榜樣,走出自己的舒適圈,活動身心。其實這並不像各位所想的那麼恐怖,樂於挑戰新事物,經歷困難及失敗,沒經歷過這些是無法成長的。我對各式主題都很有興趣,學習需要雙方的互動,歡迎學員把目標放在第一位。我的課程有趣,也具互動性,但有些地方會比較現實。 我十分期待能指導各位,很想盡快與各位相見。和我一起用英語拓展自己的世界吧!See
Hello, my name is Miki. I have been teaching ballet for over 30 years. Thanks to all of your support, I have had the chance to teach over 200 lessons on Cafetalk. There are many things I have noticed through my lessons with students about what can be done online. Unlike lessons that are conducted in a studio, I will teach you based on methods and anatomy to help you practice and learn even throug
Hello, I’m teacher Sarah! In my lessons, I will be offering the following lessons: ◉ Full-fledged 【acting】 and 【singing】 instruction that I have given to TV personalities belonging to entertainment agencies. ◉ 【Vocal training】that can be used in daily life, such as how to improve glide and intonation ◉ 【Communication techniques】to improve human relations, presentation skills, and sales skills.
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kasumi yoga
배리아 Lia.B
Healing Counselor Sets