
Language Fluency

Deutsch Native
Ungarisch Native
Englisch Near-Native
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Russisch Just a few words


German Language Diploma
Bachelor of Economics
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Mi 14:00   16:00
Mi 18:30   23:00
Do 00:30   09:00
Do 14:00   16:00
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Tutor’s Columns

Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
Alpen-Kokus oder Frühlin-Krokus oder Weißer SafranDiese klein, zarte Blume gehört zu den Frühlingsb...
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Die erste Flühlingsblume in den Bergen: Schneeheide/Winterheide (Erica carnea) Oh, Gott! Ende Winte...
This Hungarian-born biochemist is one of the biggest hiros of the world nowadays. She is known for ...
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Eigentlich wollte ich immer Lehrerin werden, von Amfang an, auch als Kind. In meiner Familie waren ...

Aniko Dudas Tutorenprofil

URGENT-WICHTIG: I am normally a busy teacher, I alsi wor outside of this platform. If you can't get a free slot, then please contact me before the booking, I will gladly help you to find a suitable slot.
Before booking please consider: I am a European teacher with European culture. Of course, I am very thankful of your interest and honour your traditions, but sometimes I may think otherwise as you. I have a teacher autonomy, after the cooperation with the students, I would like to choose what and how I teach, please don't order me, thank you very much. 
こんにちはみなさん、私の名前はアニコです。私はドイツ語と英語とハンガリー語のせんせいです。I am a qualified German, English, Hungarian and Business teacher, with more then 20 years of experience. I have been teaching at elementary and secondary schools, but also private language schools and university. I worked ten years with little children in Early Education. I am trained junior and adult examinator. Through the pandemic time I have to move my language lessons to online platforms, but I liked it as well, because I could meet people from all over the world. Normally, I have to bring students to the B2/C1 levels to get a scolarship or a job. I prepare people to job interviews, but I also teach generall conversations or I "play-learning" with little children. I use often different and target oriented course books, but I bring a lot of extras to the lessons. I came from a bilingual family (German-Hungarian), but I live now in Dublin, Ireland. I (and my family) use German, English and Hungarian on daily basis. I have lot of hobbies: sports, music, films, books,culture, animals, food, languages..etc. Most of all: I like people, meeting, chatting, communicating with them. 

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