Based on student feedback received over the immediately preceding period.
Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is yumiy. Thank you for showing interest in dancing and checking out my page. Now, I'm a dance instructor in Ja
Hi! I’m Ayça! (アイチャ) I dance for the Turkish National Opera and Ballet as a ballet dancer. I started dancing when I was 7, and still am dancing to th
Based on volume of requests from the same student over the immediately preceding period.
Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is yumiy. Thank you for showing interest in dancing and checking out my page. Now, I'm a dance instructor in Ja
初めまして数ある中から私のプロフィールをご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます。カナダ在住、バレエ歴20年以上のAzumiと申します。現在Canada’s Nantional Ballet School (カナダ国立バレエ団の付属スクール) のThree-Year Diploma (教師養成プログラム
HI! My name is Satoyo.I was born and raised in Osaka Japan, which makes me proud to call myself a Kansai-jin. I am an active belly dancer, and also a
Based on volume of new students over the immediately preceding period.
みなさん、こんにちは!講師のAiriです!私はヨーロッパ, ロシアへのバレエ留学を経た後、現在はルーマニアのバレエ団で働いています。バレエを始めてみたい方, 初心者~プロを目指している方まで、どんな方でも大歓迎です!私がこれまでに経験したこと、学んで来たことを、沢山の方にシェアしていき、バレエが上達
Hello. My name is chisako. I'm a dancer for a national ballet company in Europe! ♡BALLET CLASS For those who regularly attend ballet classes but wa
Hello! Nice to meet you, my name is yumiy. Thank you for showing interest in dancing and checking out my page. Now, I'm a dance instructor in Ja