6월 21일 업데이트 (2주마다 갱신)

category image IT & 프로그래밍 피드백 랭킹

레슨 후 학생으로 부터 받은 피드백이 많은 강사

출신국: 거주국:

Hi, my name is Leaf. I'm a Japanese woman living near Tokyo. Are you interested in Japanese language? I'm not a good English speaker, but I can read J

출신국: 거주국:

안녕하세요, 준야 노리마츠 입니다.【자기소개】대학원에서 컴퓨터 공학을 공부하였습니다.현재 개발자로 일하고 있으며, 프로그래밍을 사랑합니다.【강의스타일】교재를 사용하여 수업합니다!입문자 환영입니다.【프로필】 석사를 끝마치고 Systems Intergrator에서 일했습

출신국: 거주국:

【不定期時間の追加多いです】こんにちは。 啓projectです。   現在、YouTubeにExcel説明動画をアップしたり、 カルチャーセンターで講師をしております。福岡では出張個別レッスンなどもしています。カルチャーセンターでもパソコン関連(Office他、キッズプログラミングなど)色彩検定講

출신국: 거주국:

Nice to meet you! This is yuki, also known as "yukitty". I would be grateful if you call me yuki-sensei. 14 years of experience as a one-on-one compu

출신국: 거주국:

Hello, my name is Reiko and I am from Japan.   I worked for an IT company as an application developer for 15 years, and now I am a freelance engineer

급상승 강사 순위

category image IT & 프로그래밍 새로운 강사 랭킹

새로운 강사 (최근 3개월 이내에 공개) 중에서, 리퀘스트 횟수를 기준으로 선정되었습니다.

출신국: 거주국:

Hello! I'm Euan (ユアン), a PhD in Robotics based in Nakano-ku, Tokyo. As a native British English speaker, I bring over six years of teaching experienc

category image IT & 프로그래밍 재신청이 많은 강사 랭킹

같은 학생으로부터 반복적으로 레슨 리퀘스트를 받은 강사

출신국: 거주국:

Hi, I'm Koh, and I'm in charge of "IT & Programming", "Private Tutoring", and "Piano". I'm looking forward to working with you to develop your sk

출신국: 거주국:

Nice to meet you. My name is yoshishinnze, and I am currently working as a software engineer. I would like to offer lessons on mathematics and progra

출신국: 거주국:

Hello! I'm Euan (ユアン), a PhD in Robotics based in Nakano-ku, Tokyo. As a native British English speaker, I bring over six years of teaching experienc

출신국: 거주국:

Hi, my name is Leaf. I'm a Japanese woman living near Tokyo. Are you interested in Japanese language? I'm not a good English speaker, but I can read J

출신국: 거주국:

Hello, my name is KUNIO.I teach courses on"Computer Software and ICT," "World History," "Noh," "Japanese Language and Culture," and "Counseling (from

급상승 강사 순위

category image IT & 프로그래밍 트랜드 강사 랭킹

일정 기간동안 새로운 학생을 많이 모집한 강사

출신국: 거주국:

Hi, my name is Leaf. I'm a Japanese woman living near Tokyo. Are you interested in Japanese language? I'm not a good English speaker, but I can read J

출신국: 거주국:

Hello! I'm Euan (ユアン), a PhD in Robotics based in Nakano-ku, Tokyo. As a native British English speaker, I bring over six years of teaching experienc

출신국: 거주국:

アガルトマーケティング代表:春田智彦   保険会社営業職を経て、SEO専門のWebマーケティング会社に転職。Webサイト制作やコンテンツマーケティング、SEOコンサルティングディレクターを行う。これまでに100社を超えるSEO施策、またコンテンツマーケティングに携わっている。  

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