Tips for healhty eating : Hummus
Let's talk about hummus! Hummus is a super-tasty Middle Eastern spread made from humble chickpeas...
In addition to Halifax, I also spent some time at a house in the countryside and visited several sm...
Zach McLaughlin
Tonight, I had sushi for dinner. I assume this may look very strange to those in Japan, but it’s lo...
Ami Hallie
Photo: A beer flight with my ex-coworker at the Good Robot brewery in HalifaxI’ve just returned fro...
Zach McLaughlin
你可能學過「だけど」「ですが」是但是,可是的連詞。 今日は雨ですが、運動会をします(今天下雨了,但我們要舉行運動會) 彼は中國人だけど、日本語が上手だ(他是中國人,但他的日語很好) 但日本人...
Although I love nothing better than to curl up in a cosy corner and get lost in a book, there are t...
T Mun Yee
For three straight months now! I am delighted that I am #2 in the New Tutor ranking. Thank you fo...
National dishes of Ukrainian cuisine that will appeal to everyone National dishes of Ukrainian cu...
Svitlana Deikalo
9 reasons why you should learn French
Hello, did you know that French, with over 300 million speakers worldwide, holds a prominent positi...
如果你看一下你的初學者的教科書,你會看到「行きますか」 但你見過使用這個句子的日本人嗎? 你這麽說我們當然明白你想說什麽,但這是 "老外 "獨特的說話方式之一。 順便說一下,其他兩個是「大丈夫と...
I've always enjoyed eating good food but I never liked going to the shops for it. I found it mundan...
About what topic I should show you, this time? I have a simple question about Sulfur trophozoite(硫...
horii mitsuru
Father's Day in an English Village
For Father's Day this year, we decided to take my Dad and my Grandad on a drive to the village of...
Gem C
What YOU may not know about my home country, MALAYSIA
Many of my students are always surprised at that fact that English is my first language. There are ...
Dhynna ダイアナ
The Power of Descriptive Language
To a writer in the realm of storytelling, descriptive language serves as the artist's brush, painti...
These are some of the most emblematic and delicious dishes of Venezuela.
These are some of the most emblematic and delicious dishes of Venezuela. Get to know Venezuela thro...
Profe Elluz Karina
Making the most of your English lessons and speaking classes
Many learners may struggle with confidence when speaking English. Some reasons could be due to fea...
Japanese people often say ”頑張って", but how can we say that in English? Watch the video for four grea...
John Nanakamado
My Mum's hearing deterioration is a natural result of ageing. She resisted using a hearing aid. Lis...
T Mun Yee
說實話,日本人並不特別喜歡談論天氣。 那麽為什麽日本人總是談論天氣呢?這是因為日本有一種 "聊天文化"。 通過聊天,對方從 "敵人 "變成了 "盟友"。 「最近、どうですか?」 這是日本人的口頭...
In June in Japan we can see a lot of 紫陽花, they are very beautiful flowers, but what are they called...
John Nanakamado
Speaking on a specific topic followed by Reading a news article on the same topic OR vice versa.
Speaking on a topic followed by reading the news on the same topic can be a beneficial language lea...
One thing tourists might not know about the USA
One thing tourists might not know about my country, the United States of America, is that in most a...
Kana E.
The Indian sub-continent is a favourite place to travel to for many people and there are several re...
Tutor Mercy
Very Ordinary Series of My Wanting to Keep Touch with Everyone
Today, thought like this flew around my head. 葉っぱのフレディ(The Fall of Freddie the Leaf)から It's nat...
horii mitsuru
Journaling is a personal practice and each individual will have their own unique approach. Journals...
Quick tips: to be cool/down with something
I was listening to a song yesterday and heard a useful phrase that you’ll probably never find in a ...
Zach McLaughlin
なぜそれが間違いなのか 「ハンバーガー」(“hamburger”)は英語ですけど、「ハンバーグ」は和製英語です。「ハンバーグ」はドイツの都市名です。 代わりに何を言うのが良いのか 一言では...
Vicky B
The Enduring Love Between Americans and Pizza
Tourists might not know this, but the United States is a pizza-loving nation, consuming a staggerin...
Opening phrases in IELTS or EIKEN
Some of us might struggle with opening sentences when we’re required to speak on a topic, express a...