Cronulla Riots: Another Dark Chapter in Australian History
The Cronulla riots were a series of racially charged violent incidents that took place in December ...
Wendy E
Talking about luck in English: Part 1
The weekly column topic is Do you have a lucky item? this week, so today I’d like to share some way...
Zach McLaughlin
CNN 10 - 10-minute news videos everyday 毎日10分間のニュースビデオ CNN is a well-respected American news channel watched by millions of ...
Vicky B
English Learning with a Touch of South African Vibrance
Imagine learning English while exploring the culture of South Africa, a country known for its diver...
Do You Have a Lucky Item? Discover China's Ancient Charms
Have you ever carried a lucky charm for good fortune? In China, people have long believed in the po...
Echo Tsui
Are Shungite Mobile Phone Stickers Worth the Hype? The Answer May Surprise You
Despite the claims made by some manufacturers, there is no scientific evidence to support the effec...
Wendy E
How Do Tariffs Work and Who Benefits, If Anyone?
Tariffs a frequently in the news these days but not everyone seems to understand how they work and ...
British Nic
Thriving, Not Just Surviving: How to Excel in the New Semester
Starting a new semester can be both exciting and nerve-wracking for students. It's a fresh start, a...
Wendy E
Maggie Yang
TOCFL 考試小技巧(A1 & A2 適用) 考試時: ✅ 遇到太難的題目,不要慌! 考試本來就會出現超出你程度的題目,目的是為了測試你的最高語言能力。 準備考試時: ✅ 學會抓住閱讀題的...
Image: A “roper” monster from the event (which you can defeat by hitting its tentacles when they li...
Zach McLaughlin
2 reasons for celebration today!'s the weekend! What do you have planned? Let me know ...
Liz English
MaRi (Kids-Adults)
IELTS Speaking Part 1 - My top tips
The IELTS Speaking Part 1 is your chance to make a strong first impression. Lasting 4–5 minutes, it...
Andrew Swift
好歌推薦--五月天MAYDAY-任性rèn xìng 中國電視劇《難哄Nánhǒng》的主題曲
青春愛情電視劇《難哄》大結局播出後,除了穩坐中國劇熱度榜,也持續高居台灣Netflix收視前三名。 MAYDAY五月天《任性rèn xìng》是電視劇《難哄Nánhǒng あやしにくい》的主題曲( ...
Maggie Yang
Tips for Starting a New Semester Successfully Starting a new semester can feel both exciting and ov...
Andrew Swift
オックスフォードでの2学期の振り返り- Reflections from Two Semesters at Oxford
Vocabulary steep learning curve – 急激な学習曲線 think outside the box – 型にはまらない考え方をする hidden curriculu...
Survival Guide: Tips for Students Starting a New Semester
A new semester is like a fresh notebook-full of possibilities, slightly intimidating, and probably ...
Teacher DORIAN
臺北市立動物園 Táiběi shìlì dòngwùyuán說到人氣動物代表,當然少不了 羊駝、水豚、水獺、小熊貓!最近天氣逐漸回暖,陽光剛剛好,涼爽又舒適~這種天氣最適合去 臺北市立動物園 走走啦!一起...
Maggie Yang
The Richness of Traditional Culture in the Philippines!
Did you know that there are so many different cultures, right here in the Philippines? There are m...
Melanie Partin
台湾中国語ー日常会話① Taiwanese Mandarin - Daily Conversation ①
1. 這家店好多菜喔你想吃什麼? Zhè jiā diàn hǎo duō cài ò nǐ xiǎng chī shénme? このお店、料理がたくさんあるね~。何を食べたい? This plac...
MaRi (Kids-Adults)
How Phrasal Verbs and Idioms Boost Fluency
Speaking English at the workplace or in daily conversations can be challenging, even for those who ...
IELTS Tasks 1 and 2 writing tips
Hi to all of you IELTS students who are looking to take your IELTS exam in the coming weeks or mont...
Mark Roy
The Power of Short Posts and Attention-Grabbing Headlines
In the fast-paced digital world, grabbing attention quickly is essential. Whether you're crafting b...
British Nic
TOCFL Band A 単語完全マスター|初級中国語をスムーズに学ぶ方法
TOCFL Band A(A1 & A2)試験の準備は進んでいますか? この動画では、TOCFL Band Aで頻出する 基本単語 を学ぶことができます!試験対策はもちろん、日常的に使え...
Dear students,Thank you for your support the last couple of years. I will be taking a break from Ap...
Cassandra Boh
中職 菊池桃子Júchí táozǐ正式加入中信兄弟啦啦隊Zhōngxìn xiōngdì lālāduì 想成為令人憧憬Chōngjǐng的存在
中職 菊池桃子Júchí táozǐ正式加入中信兄弟啦啦隊Zhōngxìn xiōngdì lālāduì 想成為令人憧憬Chōngjǐng的存在 中職 中華職業棒球大連盟(CPBL)台湾のプロ野球...
Maggie Yang