Talking about fire in English: Part 2
In this brief follow-up to Part 1, I will introduce just a few more words for talking about fire in...
Zach McLaughlin
What made me laugh recently? Well...
Earlier today, I found myself yearning for some cuddles with my beloved chihuahua, Bambi. I couldn'...
Talking about fire in English: Part 1
In my recent post titled Canada on fire, I mentioned that Canada has been experiencing unprecedente...
Zach McLaughlin
I was in a group of 10, on a summer's day hike in the Himalayas. Only a day earlier, we were at the...
T Mun Yee
Photo: Toronto skyline (June 6th)Over the past week or so, there have been an exceptional number of...
Zach McLaughlin
なぜそれが間違いなのか “Viking” (「バイキング」)は、約1000年前に北欧に住んでいた海賊で有名な人たちを指す "Viking"に由来しています。 北欧では、この「バイキング」のスタイ...
Vicky B
John Nanakamado
Smile coach Keiko Kawano teaches students at a smile training course at Sokei Art School in Tokyo, ...
Zach McLaughlin
Advanced Idiom Practice With the Legend of Zelda
This a great opportunity for advanced learners of English to practice their reading! This column po...
Quick tips: wanna, gonna, hafta, sorta, etc.
As most of you probably already know, sounds often blend together in spoken English. “Want to” soun...
Zach McLaughlin
How I use AI and technology for language learning
Hello friends,In one of my last columns I wrote about how learning a language cannot be replaced by...
Emanuel T
Recently, my younger brother moved to Texas, which is part of the southern United States or "the So...
Laura P
If you want to get fluent in English. . .
Dear Cafetalk Community,How are you doing? It's nice and warm/hot in Canada now! After the long win...
Lady Ayame
Whenever I start the morning with a steaming mug of coffee, I notice a gradual change in my mood. I...
T Mun Yee
なぜそれが(時に)間違いなのか ジュースは "juice "から来ており、特に果物から出る液体を意味します。つまり、「オレンジジュース」はジュースです。「りんごジュース」もそうです。しかし、コーラ...
Vicky B
大雨、台風の時に I have an idea. When we have a predict to have heavy rain and something like that, the cit...
horii mitsuru
Series 1: I want to keep in touch with everyone
You may be familiar with all the problems, but I would like to introduce the fun of brain teasers a...
horii mitsuru
"自動詞 "和 "他動詞 ",事實上,對日本人來說是非常重要的問題。 財布が落ちました(我的錢包掉了/現在有這種情況) 財布を落としました(我的錢包掉了/ 因為我粗心錢包不見了) 區別在於,...
Expressing Your Opinions in English
Expressing one's opinion in English can be challenging if English isn't your first language.If we d...
Hello Everyone! How are you today? This is Teacher Asuka.Today, I’m going to share with you a speci...
Teacher Asuka
7 Types Of -Nyms Every Learner Should Know!
The ending -nym or, most often, -onym is a combining form from Greek that means “name.” Here are ...
Lisa D's June Newsletter & coupons!
============================Coupon Name: June Coupon!!!!!Code: 1a3fe074Discount Rate: 15%For Lesso...
Lisa D.
When it comes to Kyoto, what comes to mind...もし興味があったら、ビデオを見てみてください。
John Nanakamado
How to prepare home for summer
How to decorate the house before summer? Ukraine has a wonderful holiday for this. This is Trinity ...
Svitlana Deikalo
Learning a new language can be tough and take a long time. It’s easy to lose motivation. Here are s...
Ren Walt
Often English students say "何でもいい" in English in a rude way. Can you say it in a friendly way?もし興味が...
John Nanakamado
I just took a Personality Test, turned out I'm ...
...An ISTJ type.The process of taking the test itself was a daunting one; With a similar yet divers...
Ayda Atrzadeh
Quick tips: how to say “nothing”
Did you know that there are actually many ways to say “nothing”? Some of the alternatives include z...
Zach McLaughlin
Have a think about what's wrong with the following sentences: 1. "Sorry to disturb you, I...
T Mun Yee
Social media is becoming more and more popular these days, and we often hear the phrase "desire fo...
Audrey オードリー