The best compliment that I've ever received is that I look just like my Dad. Well, maybe they are j...
Tutor Mercy
A huge blizzard is hitting Toronto tonight and we’re expecting up to 25 cm of snow. This is normal ...
Zach McLaughlin
First, I must confess to being an uncultured dummy as far as art is concerned. I walked into a Vinc...
T Mun Yee
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with me, Yishu. Still, today we are going to talk about a ...
Yishu H.
In this video you can learn some nostalgic phrases in English. もし興味があったら、動画を見てみてください。 _________ 歌の名...
John Nanakamado
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with me, Yishu. For the last four days, we talked about ne...
Yishu H.
I like looking at illustrations in old books. Pictures can be an important part of the book, and ad...
Talking about allergies in English
As spring approaches in some parts of the world (not Canada!), I've noticed more and more people su...
Zach McLaughlin
Crazy And Funny Facts You Should Know
Optical Illusions Have you ever seen an image that tricks your eyes and brain into seeing somet...
Lyston G.
The best compliment you have ever received
The best compliment I have ever received is when a friend of mine said that I was doing well as a m...
Nadine Flores
Learning idioms is one of the most difficult parts of studying English, but also one of the most es...
Kara Bird
In 2020, former US president Donald Trump said that disinfectant may help treat COVID-19. 2020 年、元...
Yishu H.
Really good movie to understand different perspectives about life.
Learning Language through Manga
When I was in high school, I started studying Japanese because I liked manga and anime. Now, I like...
Laura P
A couple of young men were passing a basketball in a pool when they nailed an awesome pool dunk. It...
Yishu H.
「3年ぶりに映画館に行きました」 ー 英語で「~ぶりに」って何と言いますか?
「3年ぶりに映画館に行きました。」 「2ヶ月ぶりに友達に会いました。」 「久しぶりに買い物に行きました。」 これらの文章は英語でどう言うのでしょうか?読んでみてください。 How do you sa...
Vicky B
We often think reading aloud is reserved for children but the practice can be very rewarding for ad...
Journal Writing in English: This Week's Prompt
When I was learning Japanese, one of the best ways I practiced new vocabulary and grammar was by ke...
Kara Bird
The Best Compliment I Have Ever Received
When people give me compliments, I am often not sure how to accept them. This is why I usually laug...
Laura P
What is the best compliment you have ever received?
What is the best compliment you have ever received? this is a pretty hard question to answer. In t...
Stephen Brivati
Photo by Zach Vessels on Unsplash I came across an interesting CNN article this morning about how...
Zach McLaughlin
Looking forward to Spring --upcoming events and other updates !
Hello Everyone ! Here is an update blog of our Jan - Feb events --- Well -- Jan and feb have been s...
I'm not sure why I like gardening. It's a lot of hard work. But there I am, squatting among the pot...
T Mun Yee
Starting a Podcast and Listening to My Own Voice
I decided to start my own podcast channel recently after hesitating for about one year. This is one...
When a progeny loses its uniqueness, it will become a duplicate of someone else.....
The world is in a constant state of flux, regenerating itself by a new generation that will eventua...
I'm so happy for my students! 生徒の皆さん、本当におめでとうございます。
Hello Cafetalk Community!How are you? I hope you're doing well! It's about -26 degrees Celcius in C...
Lady Ayame
My beautiful hometown, Lüneburg in Germany ドイツにある私の美しいふるさとリューネブルク
Hi, I’m David and I just started out as a German tutor here on Cafetalk. I’m looking forward to hav...
David Berger
Reading aloud and working on your pronunciation can help to improve your clarity in real conversati...
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with me, Yishu. Do you like Barbies? If you do, how many B...
Yishu H.
Pancakes, Easter Eggs and Chocolate Rabbits
Interesting ways to mark spring are customs. Today, 21 February, is Shrove Tuesday. In the past, pe...