Writing after a Speaking Class
Writing after a speaking class can help to reinforce language by enabling you to apply vocabulary y...
How to benefit from news discussion lessons
My News Discussion lesson is popular among high-intermediate to advanced students. It is a good way...
Audrey オードリー
こんにちは! Kyoko です。赤毛のアンの10章で、マシューが面白く描かれています。リンド夫人を怒らせたアンは、マリラから謹慎を言い渡されます。マシューは、アンから先に謝るよう、マリラに内緒で説得...
Kyoko. I
What do I look forward to in Spring?
What do I look forward to in spring? Are we in spring now? Today was the first time in ages that I...
Stephen Brivati
Toronto has had a rather mild winter this year, but temperatures have been up and down. It could be...
Zach McLaughlin
In this video you can learn two natural idioms in British English using "Spring". もし興味があったら、動画を見てみて...
John Nanakamado
What do you usually do for Valentine's Day in your country?
Over the years, the idea of Valentine's Day has become very commercial. A lot of people buy flowers...
Nadine Flores
Our Valentine's Day in The Netherlands! (Simple & Cozy)
Another early morning surprise from my partner - Happy Valentine's Day! ?? "It is the thought that ...
Cindy Colijn
The British Valentine's Day and the Japanese one are very different.もし興味があったら、ビデオを見てみてください。
John Nanakamado
Aligning your English Classes with your Learning Goals
Many of you will have different goals for enrolling in lessons in English. Depending on your object...
What do you usually do on Valentine’s Day in your country?
What do you usually do on Valentine’s Day in your country? I think one of the big pluses of the inf...
Stephen Brivati
Perseverance is key for any sports player looking to make it to the top. For example, I enjoy pol...
Jonathan Fitness and Beginning English classes
Are you passionate about writing? Are you writing a novel? Do you want to start writing but you don...
Laurin N.
Talk about one of your popular lessons!
One of my popular lessons is QUICK CHAT! I have the most amazing students taking this lesson with m...
Nadine Flores
There are plenty of situations where we can say something that is grammatically correct, but, socia...
Canopy touring in South Africa
Canopy tours – eco-friendly adventures Canopy tours originatedin the rainforests of Costa Rica wh...
Dogs know how people feel. They know if someone is sick. A study explains these situations. 犬は人の気持...
Yishu H.
In this video you can learn how to say "やってみて” in English, and I will tell you three good ways to p...
John Nanakamado
Quick tips: should have vs. should of
While browsing comments and posts online, it’s common to come across a sentence like “I should of b...
Zach McLaughlin
Are changes in our weather patterns a result of climate change?
Are changes in our current weather patterns a result of climate change?Do you agree or disagree wit...
According to Cafetalk statistics, my most popular lesson is my Tailor-Made lesson for children. Why...
Often people choose lessons where we read a book during the class. This can be a light book like Th...
Have you ever taken a Daily News lesson?
I am a language student myself, and I am in love with ‘Daily News' lessons. I won’t lie, at the beg...
Clizia Mondini
Talk About One of Your Favorite Lessons
Of course it is a truism that different students have different needs. These needs will vary not on...
Stephen Brivati
It's gonna Make Your Day! ''Pokemon Community Game''
''Gotta Catch Them All' Right? Then - Let's go! :) 898 Pokemon are Waiting 4 You!I'm a huge Pokemon...
Isco Sensei
Have you heard of muscle memory? Of course you have, and you use it every day to do things that fee...
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with Yishu. Sometimes people say something that is ridicul...
Yishu H.
Talking about death in English
Death is, of course, a very sensitive topic, and if it makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip t...
Zach McLaughlin
Stress and anxiety …..more and more prevalent....where is the escape...?
Our dilemma……………We create conditions to our happiness, and then we inevitably become characterized ...
Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with Yishu. Some things are easy to do – like learning an ...
Yishu H.