In 2023 I heard a lot of words that we often don't use on an everyday basis (at least for me), so I...
Tutor Tyra
Photo byvadim kaipov onUnsplash The word “hobby” is very common and it seems to represent a very s...
Zach McLaughlin
Hello Dear Students!I hope your New Year is going on great! There's been some important things goin...
Tutor Mercy
In the past, I have posted long “Talking about… in English” columns, but this year I would also lik...
Zach McLaughlin
Happy New Year everyone !I wish you all the best for 2023 !I suppose that like me you have a long l...
New Year Resolution at Learning a World Language
One of my new year resolutions is go kayaking or paddle boarding every weekend and take a short lan...
Hikaru Yang
I have started my Cafetalk journey in 2013 and since then i became the first Turkish teacher on th...
Momo Sensei
Talking about looking back/ahead in English
With the start of the new year, you may be looking back on 2022 as well as looking ahead to 2023, s...
Zach McLaughlin
Ho raggiunto un obbiettivo importante su Cafetalk. Ne sono molto orgogliosa. I reached an importa...
Laurin N.
Happy New Year! あけましておめでとうございます! Above is an image a student drew of me and my cat pulling ...
Vicky B
For those of you who are interested in British English here is a very short video. It has a very po...
John Nanakamado
It was with immense sadness I heard about the passing of Edson Arantes do Nascimento, universally k...
Angélica C
Happy new year! In Japan, January 1 is the most grandly celebrated holiday of the year. We eat man...
Wishing you all the best for this year 2023!
Learn the Tarot while learning English
Learning a new skill while practicing English is a great way to use and improve your English. In my...
John Nanakamado
Most Common New Year Resolutions and how to follow through
Happy New Year ^_^ Every year, around the end of December, millions of people make New Year's reso...
Audrey オードリー
「更台一點」是介紹台灣的生活、時事、文化的系列文章。 透過閲讀,你能更了解台灣。 更多文章: TOCFL分級:A1~A2 ▼學習重點 ①知道...
【下方有中文翻譯和詞彙讀音】 旧年中は大変お世話になりました。 2022年は夫婦ともども新たな環境での生活を始めることができました。 本年もどうぞ宜しくお願いいたします。 ーーーーー 去年感謝大家的...
My family comes from the southern part of the US. It's often called the "deep south". It often has ...
Aspen Kumagai
Christmas Virtual Church Choir -- Fall on Your Knees
This Christmas I had the wonderful opportunity to make music again with my musician friends back in...
My 2022 in the rearview mirror
My biggest achievement of 2022 was earning my master’s degree in applied linguistics. For a long ti...
Zach McLaughlin
Looking back to 2022, Goals I've Achieved and Best Memory
2022 is leaving with bittersweet memories where in reminiscing events that transpired construed to ...
My biggest goal I was able to achieve this year was getting an accounting job. It has been somethi...
Ms. Brandie
My goals and best memories of 2022.
What goals did I achieve in 202? What are my best memories? I think 2022 was a hard year for everyo...
Stephen Brivati
「更台一點」是介紹台灣的生活、時事、文化的系列文章。 透過閲讀,你能更了解台灣。 更多文章: TOCFL分級:A1~A2 ▼學習重點 ①...
Yesterday I hopped on the VIA train and traveled out to a little town in the countryside called Nor...
Zach McLaughlin
There’s nothing to this大人気のIDIOM
英語で「It’s difficult」とよく言いますか?この表現はネガティブだと思いますので、このビデオの人気で丁寧な表現を言ってみてください。
John Nanakamado
Match the verbs (1-5) with the words (a-e).1. eat a) the Christmas crackers2. pu...
Jee-Maico Chapman
The Stylish Woman……. The Diagnosis of Life
The beauty is in the eyes of the abstainer