Image: Wellesley Park, TorontoThis week’s column should be about three good aspects of your favouri...
Zach McLaughlin
In India, the 14th of November is celebrated as Children's Day. This is the birthday of our first P...
Tutor Mercy
"This is my first lesson!"で生徒さんを驚かせたはなし。
Hi, there! どうもこんにちは、Meg.Sです。I totally remember what the first lesson was like.My first one was with...
Jesus Christ and the Economic Indicators......
In god we trust................
Let's Explopre Literature Together!
I completed 250 lessons! Thank you to all my students! Come join me. I teach fairy tales, classic l...
Pilar Barrera
Something I want to change now
There are many things I want to change; I have picked up one of them today. It’s the pronunciation ...
Phrasal verbs in Context - At business meetings
Call off, draw up, bring forward, hand out, set up are common phrasal verbs associated with meeting...
Do yiu remember your firsf lesson on Cafetalk?
Good day, my dear students! Every lesson with students is unforgettable! I love to teach and share ...
Svitlana Deikalo
Do I remember my first Cafetalk lesson?
Do I remember my first Cafetalk lesson? I don’t know if it is a terrible crime or not, but I really...
Stephen Brivati
My very first lesson on Cafetalk!
Of course, I do remember my first ever lesson on Cafetalk! The student had booked a casual conversa...
Tutor Mercy
Do you like the Autumn? In this video you can learn some different ways to talk about leaves in the...
John Nanakamado
To boost your brain power...............
The number of galaxies in the universe equals exactly the number of synapses within human’s brain; ...
Photo byArtiom Vallat onUnsplash Different things have scared me at different times throughout my ...
Zach McLaughlin
Hello students,Please note that Daylight Saving Time will end on Sunday November 6, 2022, and the t...
Audrey オードリー
Lunch Hour English Practice for Professionals
You can now make the most of your lunch break with speaking classes in English that are now offered...
We have an idiom in English that means that we have a habit, that we will do both on fine days and ...
John Nanakamado
I created my own English podcast!
Hi everyone,I am excited to announce that I have created my own podcast. I just uploaded the first...
Audrey オードリー
Stress will disappear when we don’t challenge our intuition
We have already psychic forces that are in harmony with our life, why should we create more challen...
Hope and believe a good future
Don't give up in the middle of the problem Don't agree with your doubts and your fears and worries ...
Have you ever heard of Bonfire Night? Bonfire Night(焚火の夜)をご存じですか。 It’s a UK celebration that tak...
Vicky B
Professional Speaking Challenges at the Workplace?
Let's hear your challenge during class and learn to tackle hard conversations that need to be dealt...
Something I want to do the best now
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, I went to the nearest swimming pool twice a month. I said “the neares...
What is the scariest experience you had so far?
What is the scariest experience you had so far? The most terrifying experience for me is love. No ...
Svitlana Deikalo
For mental strength, please listen to this strotra. It will give you lot of inner strength.
This is strotra is dedicated to Lord Surya (SUN). If you can chant it then it is the best thing.100...
What is the most scary experience I have had so far? If we are talking about Halloween then I am no...
Stephen Brivati
For mental peace please listen to this sanskrit verse
Vedic and Western astrology are two astrological systems with some similarities and some difference...
In Paradise there is no traffic, there are no upses and no downses, there is no way but everyway, t...
Often students use the word "choice" as a verb, but it is a noun! So, what is correct?
John Nanakamado
DECREASED PRICES!!!!! Many Many Coupons for November and December!!!!!
Dear Students,The economy has not been good worldwide. To help you so you can continue your lessons...
Lisa D.