Starbucks Addiction [Intermediate]
For the past year, I have been going to Starbucks almost everyday. It has definitely caused a dent ...
How are "all" and "every" different?
"All" and "Every" are similar, but their grammar and meanings are a little different. Watch the vid...
John Nanakamado
My goals and dreams at the moment
I think I’m a bit greedy. In other words, I have too many interests and passions that I can’t deal ...
Penmanship: The Dying Art [Advanced]
As a calligraphy aficionado, it saddens me to think that penmanship is no longer a valued skill. Fo...
INGREDIENTS 4 tablespoons of olive oil, divided One 4-pound sugar pie pumpkin 1 large yellow onio...
Audrey オードリー
Please have a look if you are interested :
Many English students make a mistake when they try to say '雨の日' in English. Please watch the video ...
John Nanakamado
What kind of Pumpking recipe do you like?
Pumpkin is the real queen of autumn. In Ukraine, many people grow pumpkins. Each family has their ...
Svitlana Deikalo
Communication at the Workplace
Workplace communication can at times be a struggle for some of us especially when we do not know wh...
Dogs are known to be a man's best friend. As an owner of 8 dogs, I can testify to this. They are lo...
What kind of pumpkin recipe do I like?
Halloween is incredibly popular in Japan for some reason. I guess it has a number of interesting fe...
Stephen Brivati
In Japan, many people adore autumn for a lot of reasons. First of all, autumn boasts the most perfe...
What does PSL stand for? PSL is short for Pumpkin Spice Latte, a coffee-based drink. The latte is ...
Clizia Mondini
Do not memorize phrasal verbs.Phrasal verbs are prevalent in native speech. However, It can be d...
Image: The Nightmare Before Christmas movie posterA chill is in the air, the leaves are changing co...
Zach McLaughlin
WHY DO YOUR CHILDREN NEED FOREIGN LANGUAGES? Look at the children who surround us everywhere: a...
Svitlana Deikalo
When talking about a forest or park, Japanese people often say the word "GREEN", however native Eng...
John Nanakamado
A Note to Language Learners...........
Well, anyone would tell you how learning a new language is a journey; it doesn't happen in a single...
Tutor Mercy
Many Japanese people believe that "Had Better" is a polite phrase, but it isn't!もし興味があったら、動画を見てみてくだ...
John Nanakamado
I haven’t written anything in a while, but I’m still alive! After taking some time to recover from ...
Zach McLaughlin
Many Japanese people think that the English word for 栗 is マロン, however it isn't. Do you know the re...
John Nanakamado
Dear All, Milestones are important in life and I have just passed my 5OOth lesson today here, in Ca...
Elza B
Hi all,I got the opportunity to temporarily live in Edinburgh this summer, and I was blown away! Th...
World Teachers Day - October 5 2022
Today we celebrate all the hard-working teachers out there. Which ever form you teach, in person or...
Why is dreaming useful? Each of us has dreams, but many believe that spending time "building castle...
Svitlana Deikalo
Routine can get boring. It could make you feel less imaginative , less creative.The same goes with ...
Do you want to talk about movies or novels in English? In this video I introduce some great express...
John Nanakamado
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (IPA: suːpərˌkælɪˌfrædʒəlˌɪstɪkˌɛkspiːˌælɪˈdoʊʃəs ) What a word!...
Clizia Mondini
A word in your native language that you find difficult to pronounce
A word in your native language that you find difficult to pronounce The Ukrainian language is extr...
Svitlana Deikalo
Like many British people, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, for me. It sets me up fo...
John Nanakamado