Jack Detroit's Pride Month Live Streams & New Lessons +coupon

Jack Detroit

Happy June and Pride Month, everyone! This month I will live stream positive Pride friendly media. And I have added new lessons for this month only!
This month I will also celebrate soul food and soul music on my streams! Come check me out on Saturdays JST or watch the videos!
And I always end my streams with video games for English practice. SO...this month I am playing LGBTQ oriented games.
Here is a video from my stream about Half of It:
Here is a video about Victor Victoria:

Show your support!!!! If you send me a message on CafeTalk OR a comment after one of my YouTube videos, esljack.stream, I will give you a 30% coupon for one of these lessons:
-Power Positive Shows
-Pride Month News
-Tea Time 30
-Marry Me Weddings
RULES: You must tell me what lesson you want for the coupon in a CT message or in a YouTube video comment.
See you!


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