Tom H.
My Slightly Unique Hobby - Listening To Podcasts While Walking
One of my favourite hobbies is listening to podcasts while going for a walk in the park. It's proba...
Tom H.
The Secrets Of Learning A New Language
Do you know what a polyglot is? It's someone who can speak many languages.How do polyglots learn ne...
Tom H.
Most of us probably have goals, whether they are big or small. They are usually the things we work ...
Tom H.
The Surprising Benefits Of Learning English
It's probably not very obvious but there are some surprising benefits when it comes to learning Eng...
Tom H.
說到台灣有名的美食,你最先會想到的可能是小籠包、牛肉麵或是珍珠奶茶吧。 不過,最近聽說蚵仔煎也相當受到外國人的歡迎。 先來說說「蚵仔煎」是什麼! 蚵仔其實是台語,中文是「牡mu3蠣li4」,台語...
Akira Lin
Understanding Safety in South Africa: Tips for Traveling Safely
South Africa is a country with beautiful landscapes and vibrant cultures. However, like any country...
Amber Rae
初めての投資のタイミングはいつだって今です。ただし、額をよくよく検討してみてください。おすすめは自分が消費として0になったとしても 気にならない額で始めることです。例えばペットボトル1本買うところ、...
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