As many of you may have heard, Fort Myers, Florida, where I live suffered a devastating hurricane. Yesterday at this time the winds were howlin and the rain was pouring down. It lasted for hours. I had a screened in porch at the back of my house. Over the course of several hours I watched as it slowly blew down. By this morning it was completely gone. And I was one of the lucky ones, many people lost their homes and too many lost their lives. This morning I walked down my street I saw so much damage. Please keep Fort Myers and the surrounding area in your thpughts and prayers over the coming days. The reason I am posting this column is twofol, first to let you know Neo and I are fie, we survived the hurrican. Second, to apologize for having to cancel so many lessons and lesson requests. It has always been my policy to never cancel a lesson. Unfortunatel, my home is currently without electricity and water and of course the internet. I am hoping everything will be restored quickly but some are saying it could be a week or two. I am very sorry for doing this. my students are like my family and I do not ever want to disappoint any of you. I look for to talking to you all soon. I also apologize for an spelling mistakes, I am not used to typing on my phone.

Greg R
Thank you for thinking of me :)
I hope you are safe now, and got back a normal life as usual.