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我が家の冬の料理はこれ!(My family are satisfied with this dish in the winter)

Weekly Topic: Name one dish you would like to have in winter.

Kyoko O.

(I put my English version below, too. Some of the English should not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese)
In winter, there are more chances to have stew for dinner in my home.
Our favourite one in the winter is the corn-cream stew which tastes like corn soup.
If I make a food review of it, I would report something like the combination of the sweetness and saltiness in corn-flavoured roux is perfect, and the stew gently melts in the mouth”. I generally use onions, carrots and chicken meatballs, and sometimes add other vegetables like Japanese Shimeji mushrooms or broccoli, depending on my mood.
Cold weather makes me unhappy, but I believe the stew in the cold weather is the best dish for my family.

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