2022年の私の歩み (My progress in 2022)

Weekly Topic: Looking back to 2022, what goals did you achieve this year? Also, what is the best memory you have for year 2022?

Kyoko O.

(I put my English version below, too. Some of the English should not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese)

In January 2022, I made two new year's resolutions. 
One was that I would regularly try to watch or listen to English videos or podcasts without English subtitles or scripts. Every day since making my resolution, I have watched a short English video, especially one related to English grammar, phrasal explanations or English culture. I could kill two birds with one stone by practising listening and increasing my English knowledge. 
Another was learning and practising English phonics because I thought that would improve my listening and speaking skills.
When I started it at the time, I could maybe understand around half of what they were saying without subtitles. Now, I think I can catch about 80% of the same type of video. Lately, I noticed the more I could understand it, the more smoothly I was able to speak. 
I think native English speakers in that type of video speak slowly compared to their natural speaking speed. Next year, I will try to listen to their English at the general speaking speed without subtitles and will expand the genres of the videos that I watch.
Now I will hit the road for the journey to an advanced level next year.

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