The teacher has been helping me with the basics in the Chinese language for a few months now and it has been really helpful. Pronunciation in the language is crucial and can be tricky at times, but the teacher is really patient. She also encourages me! I appreciate the teacher's effort in putting together the lesson resources and the material!
Thanks a lot!
Ini membantu saya tumbuh sedikit sedikit tapi terus-menerus.
Saya yakin ini akan berguna untuk ngobrol dengan rekan-rekan di kemudian hari.
Kiko adalah guru yang luar biasa. Saya akan terus mengikuti kelas.
Teacher Rew's classes require a certain level of English knowledge, but he draws illustrations on the whiteboard to make his explanations easier to understand!
Hi everybody. My name is James and I am native English speaker based in London, the UK. Looking for a career change, in April, of this year, I decided to become a teacher of English as a foreign language. I took the CELTA course and I passed. But why this career specifically?In 2017 I started my language-learning journey when I began learning French. Since then I have studied Portuguese, Arabic an
こんにちは!/ Hello!/ Guten Tag! オーストリアのウィーン音楽院演奏学科、音楽教育学科ともに最優秀の成績で修了。ウィーンにてWiener Royal Orchester のフルート奏者、ウィーン市民学校にてフルート、リコーダー、ピアノ講師をしておりますフダーク・宮永佳代子です。My name is Kayoko Miyanaga-Hudak , i am flute player of the Wiener Royal Orchester and flute, recorder and piano teacher in Vienna.Mein Name ist Kayoko Miyanaga-Hudak, ich arbeite als Flötistin in dem Wiener Royal Orchester und Flötenle
アワード投票コメント カフェトークアワード・2024年下半期 →
Mitsui Alice
Arturo Sensei
May Lee
jjin Park
Teacher Rew
Takenaka Noriko
MaRi (Kids-Adults)