Amazing upside down house opens to the public in Shanghai

Yishu H.

Hello, and welcome to Speak good English with me, Yishu. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to dance on the ceiling, you can actually give it a go at a fully upside-down house in Shanghai. Today, we are going to continue our news story, and it’s about a house where everything is upside down.


The house by a Polish designer features a bathroom, bedrooms, a kitchen, and a living area with everything upside down, including furniture and cutlery. Visitors to the house say that it is a dizzying experience, with one tourist finding the bathroom most interesting. She kept feeling like water might be falling out of the loo.



Key words and phrases

dizzying: making you lose balance 

give it a go: have a try 

loo: (informal British English) a toilet 

cutlery: knives, forks, and spoons for eating food

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