A big "thank you"
to everyone who
took regular lessons with
me over the past six months.
In doing so, you helped me win the
"データベースのリピート部門賞" again
-- for the third time (3回) in a row.
Thanks very much!
Colin コリン
A big "thank you"
to everyone who
took regular lessons with
me over the past six months.
In doing so, you helped me win the
"データベースのリピート部門賞" again
-- for the third time (3回) in a row.
Thanks very much!
On New Year's Eve and the following two nights this year, my youngest daughter helped serve visit...
Colin コリン
カフェトークアワード・リピート部門賞 A big "thank you" to everyone who took regular lessons with me over the past s...
Colin コリン
カフェトークアワード・ベストキッズレッスン賞Thank you to all students who took lessons with me this year, and to those ...
Colin コリン
Thanks to all students who took regular lessons with me this year. In doing so, you helped me win t...
Colin コリン
日英バイリンガル講師の スティーブン 孝之 シャレットです。 具体的な日付は分かりませんが、2022年4月の某日までNew講師です。 講師を開始した直後は、どのようなニーズが求められているのか、...
Takayuki Charette
구례의 '쌍산재(雙山齋)', TVN 예능 '윤스테이(ユンステイ)', 드라마 '환혼(ドラマ-還魂)'의 촬영지
지난 주말에는 1박 2일로 '구례'에 다녀왔습니다. (저는 구례에 있는 유명한 절인 '화엄사'와 한옥 고택 '쌍산재'를 방문했습니다.)쌍산재는 옛 모습이 그대로 남아 있는 300...