Detective books - fun to travel with to the beach or on any holiday!

今週のテーマ: 海辺で読むお気に入りの本

Hannah N

I love to take a book with me when I go travelling, however, often I find it difficult to concentrate on a book for a long time while I'm on holiday because there's so much to see and many things to do. Normally when I travel somewhere I want to see everything, and I don't take time to sit and relax!

So, I prefer to take books which are very light-hearted and easy to read, something I can concentrate on easily. I find that detective stories are good for this, because they are designed to be engaging. You can't stop turning the pages to find out who committed the crime!

My favourite novel writers are Agatha Christe, Patricia Wentworth, and Dan Brown. I also love the Sherlock Holmes books, although I haven't read many of them. The author of Sherlock Holmes was called Arthur Conan Doyle, and he's from Edinburgh (Scotland), the city where I live! So there's a statue of Sherlock Holmes in the city. 

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