Hobbies To Keep My Writing Skills Sharp

Greg S.

So, being new to Cafetalk and finding my way around has been somewhat complicated, but I think I've figured it out (mostly). With that in mind, I wanted to share some of the things I do to keep my writing skills sharp. Let's start with the obvious one; I write. They say practice makes perfect, and when it comes to writing, that's very true. I started out with blogging back in 2012, but only got seriously into it after my grandmother passed away in 2017. She made a point of reading as much of my written work as she could.

Originally launched on Google's Blogger program, my blog - Crazy Nut Reviews - is where I review books and I've been doing the project since 2012. The blog was active on Blogger for 5 years before I moved it to WordPress (I found I could do more on Wordpress). The project has been going ever since and I've expanded it to include a YouTube channel. I've also been writing on a website called Vocal for the last six years covering films, games, and so on.



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