What is Qi?


Hi there! YUKI here, Qigong Master at Empower Labo,Japan.

I offer remote Qigong lessons on CafeTalk. I’ll be sharing a wealth of knowledge about Qi here moving forward!


What exactly is "Qi"? 
Qi can be described as the "life energy emitted by all living beings." 
Throughout history, this "invisible energy" has been central to the development of civilizations and religions across the globe. 
The term "Qi" has existed for thousands of years, recognized globally as an "invisible energy." 
In China, it is called "Qi," in India "Prana," in Tibet "Lung," in English-speaking regions "Aura," in ancient Greece "Psyche," in Latin "Spiritus," in Hebrew "Ruach," and in Sanskrit also "Prana." 
The common understanding across these terms is that they represent "life energy." 
Therefore, the core concept of Qi is documented as "vital force, sacred essence = breath." 
 The common linguistic roots of Qi in different cultures indicate that it represents "breath." In other words, it was instinctively understood from ancient times that "Qi exists in harmony with breath." 
For example, when a baby cries with all its might, even though its muscles are not yet fully developed, it's amazing to witness the sheer strength and vitality it possesses. 
Even an athlete with excellent lung capacity would find it challenging to sustain such a powerful cry. This shows how much life energy the baby is filled with. 
A mother, during the period of breastfeeding, may feel like collapsing, but she doesn’t—because she’s being supplied with energy from the baby. 
When we feel down, or when our mind and body are not in good condition, how does our breathing change? 
It becomes shallow, narrow, and sometimes even stops. This is because ancient people recognized the causal relationship between breathing and life force. 

The book that scientifically explained this invisible "Qi" is the Chinese medical text from the Han dynasty, The Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon
What we now call "breathing techniques" was known as "Tunao method" in those times. 
The method of exhaling and inhaling had effects not only on the body and blood circulation but also on the mind. This is the first recorded research that compiled the results of long-term practice. 


This "invisible energy" exists not only in humans but also in plants, minerals, the Earth, the atmosphere, the universe, and even beyond time and space—in both this world and the next, in visible and invisible forms, regardless of whether they possess consciousness or will. 
And we exist within a vast cycle of "circulation, supply, and self-purification." 
Clouds are visible, condensed forms of the atmosphere, but when they become smaller, they turn into invisible fine particles and become the wind flowing through the atmosphere. 
This energy fills and circulates through the bodies of humans and other living beings through breathing, activating them as life energy. 
In other words, there is a principle of vital and spiritual energy that interconnects the human body, a microcosm, with the natural weather, a macrocosm. 


◆Everything in this world is made up of the energy of particle waves. 
Since the discovery of elementary particles in the late 19th century, science has shown that the smallest unit of matter is the elementary particle, which, when not observed, exhibits "wave properties." 
Science is catching up with the unseen world! 
The fact that it is a "wave" means that it vibrates weakly and possesses a "frequency." 
Earlier, it was mentioned that Qi is translated as Aura in English. Many people express a desire to "see auras." 
This wish may stem from a desire for an improved life. 
In reality, seeing auras can be simple with practice. However, merely seeing colors will not improve your life. 
But whether you can see it or not, the clear purpose is that everyone wants their life to improve. 
        Here's a method to improve your life 
The key point to note is that Qi = Aura has wave properties (frequency), which is crucial for transforming your life! 
For example, the "sound" from a radio station becomes "materialized" in the sense that it can be "heard." 
To materialize this frequency (make it visible and audible), you need to tune into the specific frequency (Hz) that each radio station broadcasts. 
Those from my generation may remember tuning the radio dial little by little to listen to FM. 
For example, have you ever sensed that someone nearby is angry even though they are silent? 
This means that the state of your heart and your condition are leaking out as frequencies. 


In terms of aura, someone who has just started a new romantic relationship may have a certain glow about them. 
On the other hand, when someone’s heart is burning with anger, there’s a certain energy that repels others. 
For instance, if you wish for things like encountering wonderful people or having life-changing opportunities—frequencies that attract exciting events—then... 
         You already know the answer. 
If your heart is filled with anger, jealousy, envy, or self-doubt, that energy level’s frequency leaks out, and similar frequencies are drawn to it, resonating and naturally attracting each other. 
Therefore, when your heart is in a state of love, happiness, compassion, self-love, and forgiveness, events that resonate with those frequencies will be attracted and manifest before you. 
Simply repeating affirmations on a surface level without deeper engagement will not effectively elevate the self. 
While you may deceive others with mere words, you cannot deceive your subconscious mind. 

Are you aware that there are different stages of consciousness? 
You are currently existing in one of these "stages," perceiving the world from that perspective. 
While existing in the same, third dimension, we live in multiple dimensions. 
Do you want to understand how this works?  
Next time, we’ll discuss the stages of consciousness! 
If you truly want to change your life, "transforming the consciousness within yourself" is the most effective and certain way. 
It’s not an "instant" method like chanting “affirmation”," but it is the most powerful one. 
This involves thoroughly cleansing yourself from within. 
In other words, by introspecting, analyzing yourself, and letting go of thoughts of your old recogintion , you’re performing a "soul purification." 
When the "firewood" that fuels the flame changes, the flame itself changes as well. 


Will you choose a life that remains unchanged, even if it means living under suppression? 
Or will you choose a life where, like rowing a small boat, each stroke brings you steadily closer to the other shore? 
          The choice is in your hands. 

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This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.


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