John Nanakamado
2024 年 12 月 27 日
毎週の火曜日と水曜日、京大で英語を教えています。夏はとても蒸し暑いので、地下鉄と京阪線に乗っていましたが、秋からは歩いて通っています。散歩をしていると、たくさんの物は「catches my eye」...
John Nanakamado
I enjoy taking pictures in Kyoto, I often come across interesting things. Today, I came across...
John Nanakamado
Cultural Differences are Fascinating
I think for most Japanese people the above scene is not so special, everywhere in Japan you ca...
John Nanakamado
John Nanakamado
A new phase of life for students and teachers
Photo: Gabriel Benois on UnsplashFor many people, it feels like life is on pause because of the cor...
Zach McLaughlin
皆さま、お正月をいかがお過ごしでしょうか?お供え餅やおせち料理をし、お正月のお花を活けて、お年越しの食事を用意し・・・ 年神様をお迎えする準備、そして家族と過ごす日本のお正月が私は大好き。海外で過ご...
Talking about fictional worlds in English
Many adjectives in English have nuanced synonyms that can be tricky to use. In my most recent artic...
Zach McLaughlin
Rie O.E
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