The Biggest Obstacles of Learning English



Countless students of mine have made the following comments during our efforts to improve their English skills.

"I know the words, but I freeze in real conversations!"

What does this mean? You’re fluent in your head, but the moment you need to speak, you freeze. It’s as if your brain shuts down right when you need it most. Despite studying grammar and vocabulary for years, when it’s showtime, the words just vanish. I’ll show you how to break that mental block so you can speak confidently in real-world situations.

"Why do I still translate everything in my head?"

This means you’ve been learning English for years, but you’re still stuck mentally translating from your native language. It slows you down, and the sentences sometimes come out sounding awkward. Let me help you ditch this exhausting habit and finally think directly in English—without that middle step.

"Why do native speakers talk so fast?!"

Native speakers can seem like they’re speaking at a thousand words per minute, and you can barely catch the meaning of one. Does it feel like your ears can’t keep up? I’ll teach you how to decode their speech without getting lost in the whirlwind of words.

"Grammar drains my energy, but I still make mistakes!"

You’ve been learning grammar for years, yet those pesky mistakes still sneak in. It’s frustrating, right? Why is it so hard to master? I’ll show you how to simplify grammar, stop overthinking, and finally break free from those draining errors.

"Why does speaking English give me so much anxiety?"


"Do native speakers think I’m weird?"


"I’ve learned the words, but I still can’t blend in!"


In the next lesson, we’ll discuss how to overcome these common pain points in your journey to perfecting English.



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英語   ネイティブ
フランス語   流暢
イタリア語   日常会話程度
スペイン語   日常会話程度

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