French Coach Emeka
Unlocking the World of French – A Journey for Beginners
Learning a new language is like stepping into a whole new world. As a beginner, you might feel nerv...
French Coach Emeka
Master the Art of Asking for and Giving Directions in French—Your Essential Travel Skill
If you've ever been lost in a foreign country, you know how frustrating it can be. Now imagine bein...
French Coach Emeka
5 Common Mistakes in Learning French and How to Avoid Them
5 Common Mistakes in Learning French and How to Avoid Them Learning French can be an exciting jou...
French Coach Emeka
Comment Créer une Routine Quotidienne pour Apprendre une Langue
Apprendre une langue demande de la régularité. Voici comment construire une routine simple et effic...
French Coach Emeka
夏休みで全然レッスンできていません( ;∀;)本日オンラインスタンバイしておりまぁす♬3時までですがよかったらリクエストお願いしまぁす♬
cats talk☆猫の何気ない独り言がわかったら楽しいのになぁ~
(講師名CATです☆)初コラム投稿です(^^♪ どんな言葉を話せたらいいか。。。私はもちろん 猫語です♬ definitely♬ 日曜に家族で車で30分くらいの大きな公園にいきました。とあるコーナー...
안녕하세요. 한국어로 말을 하고 싶으시면 스스로 문장 만드는 연습을 많이 해 보셔야 합니다.저도 일본어와 영어를 배우면서 배일 하고 있는 훈련입니다 같이 해보시면 좋을 것 같아요...
Kim sensei
Decorating with a little help!
Decorating for Christmas here is simply a must every year. It’s not just about the lights and orna...
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