Starting Something New
I am trying to start something new, but I am still procrastinating. I am an expert procrastinator. I always think about doing something or talk about doing it, but I put it off until another day. I like to say, “I’ll start that next week,” or “I’m going to start as soon as I get ready.” It really is easy to procrastinate!
What I am procrastinating on is starting a new way of studying Japanese. Let me talk a little bit about my journey so far.
I started studying Japanese shortly after I first came to Japan in 1988. At first, I only tried to learn a few words here and there. It wasn’t until I went to college that I really started to study the language. I’m not particularly good at studying foreign languages. I think it takes me at least twice as much time and effort as it would for the average person. I just don’t have the natural ability to learn other languages. I ended up taking Japanese for three years at university.
Now, I’ve been studying Japanese for over twenty years. I can speak Japanese, but I’m not at the level I should be at after all the time and effort I’ve put into studying. I’ve spent too much time buying books and study materials instead of actually studying.
This brings me to the “Something New” I want to start this season. I want to begin using the study method of language shadowing. I believe this might be the key to bringing my Japanese level up to where it should be.
I guess I haven’t tried shadowing before because I feel silly speaking out loud to myself. I’ve also always worried that I won’t know if I’m actually pronouncing the words correctly or if my intonation is right. I always seem to find a reason not to study!
So, starting tomorrow, I’ve decided to begin my new “Shadowing” method of studying Japanese. I’ll try not to worry about being perfect and just focus on making progress.
How many of you have tried the shadowing method with success?
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