Judy Blue Read and discuss science articles (Lesson Pack)

Read and discuss science articles (Lesson Pack)

50 分钟 X 5
5 堂课程包
每堂 2,000 点
Enhance your vocabulary, increase your fluency, and practice pronouncing difficult words as we share interesting science articles.


此为 5 堂课程的课程包。当讲师确定第 1 堂课程预约后,另外 4 堂将会以优惠券的形式自动发送供之后预约使用。请注意,课程包优惠券使用期限为第 1 堂课程时间后的 80 天内

课程应按时间顺序预约,即第 2 堂课程的时间应在第 1 堂之后。以此类推。


In this class, we'll read science articles together and discuss them. This would be good for intermediate to advanced English students who study science or work in a scientific field, or who have an interest in science news. You will improve your pronunciation of difficult words, increase your vocabulary, and gain confidence and fluency in speaking about science topics.


Science News for Students publishes stories every day for students between 9 and 14 years old. The sentence structure and vocabulary is suitable for native English speaking students in this age range. They provide supportive material like "explainers" to expand on important concepts, vocabulary lists with definitions, and videos.


Engoo also has interesting articles about science and technology subjects.


We can also read articles from other sources, or we can read academic articles from professional journals (if it's open access or you can share a pdf). 


Please choose an article from the Science News for Students site, Engoo, or another site, and send me a message so I can prepare. If you don't want to choose an article before we meet, we can choose one together or I can choose for you.


I look forward to our discussion! 

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  • 课程时间前 24 小时內 → 讲师将可能收取消费。
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