For your English to sound more natural and comfortable
Read an article and give your opinions!
Practice your conversation skills with Dr. Greg
15分のスキマ時間で、英会話練習をしてみませんか。 通常5回3,750pですが、4回分のポイントで5回分のレッスンパック(1回分無料)となっています☆
Practice and improve your speaking and listening skills while building your conversation fluency and confidence.
let's chat about anything that's on your mind!
30 minutes of maximized speaking time for the student. The instructor will be writing corrections on screen or via email.
Is your English smooth, accurate, and confident? We will use specialized textbook exercises and conversation to help you improve!
Is your English smooth, accurate, and confident? We will use specialized textbook exercises and conversation to help you improve!
Your Guide for Travel English " Speak Like a Local, Travel Like a Pro"
Practice and improve your speaking and listening skills while building your conversation confidence.
With vocabulary and grammar tips!
Practice your conversation skills with Dr. Greg.
Tell me what kind of lesson you'd like!
スピーキングが苦手な方、トレーニング始めましょう! スキルを加えながら、スピーキング力をUPします。
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Alice P.
Sana_career coach
Lady Nathaly
Marie Frances
Virginia V.
Lisa S.