This is a lesson for students who want to check if their Japanese writing is correct in grammar, word choice and used expressions.
You can send in any writing no longer than 400 signs: Emails, diary entries, reports, business records, etc.
I will check the grammar and vocabulary of your writing and correct any mistakes
Please feel free to ask questions about my corrections later, I will explain anything you didn’t understand
Please let me know when you need explanations in English
Please send me the text you want me to correct upon requesting the lesson
After you have requested the correction, I will send you the proofread and corrected documents after 1-2 days
If you are in a hurry, please let me know - I will try to match your deadline
★This is not a Skype lesson.
★You can request this lesson any time!
Cafetalk Translation - 7/2017
- 隨時可以取消。
- 課程時間前 6 小時內→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。
- 缺席→ 收取 100% 課程費用為取消費。
讓您的聽說變得更出色的課程^^ 和日本人交談的時候,能留下好印象就好了...很想交談,但是話題很難持續下去...在日常交流中有沒有遇到以上問題?讓我們一起來練習,學習一些說話小技巧!25 分鐘 700 點 -
針對一件事來進行描述,想要將自己所想的表達出來。或是練習各種話題,卻不知道如何表達。此課程推薦給有以上想法的您。對於一個話題的不同視點和疑問,我會傾聽您的各種想法。25 分鐘 700 點 -
ニュース記事を読んでディスカッション 50分: Reading and discussion of news articles for 50min
ニュース記事を使って、会話の表現力・言葉の知識を増やしていきましょう! :Tackle articles to increase vocabulary and expressions by using online newspapers !50 分鐘 1,400 點提供試聽 -
ニュース記事を読んでディスカッション 25分: Reading and discussion of news articles for 25min
ニュース記事などを使って、会話の表現力・言葉の知識を増やしていきましょう! :Tackle articles to increase vocabulary and expressions by using online newspapers !25 分鐘 700 點 -
Learn Keigo from Scratch【For Business/Everyday Life】50 Minute Ver.
This lesson is for students who use Japanese for work, aim to work in Japanese or who simply want to use beautiful Japanese in their everyday lives! Start using "Keigo" with me in this lesson!50 分鐘 1,400 點提供試聽 -
Learn Keigo from Scratch【For Business/Everyday Life】25 Minute Ver.
This lesson is for students who use Japanese for work, aim to work in Japanese or who simply want to use beautiful Japanese in their everyday lives! Start using "Keigo" with me in this lesson!25 分鐘 800 點 -
「書く」レッスン <800文字>:Writing lesson<800 letters>
自分が書いた文の文法や言葉の選び方が正しいか確認したい方へのレッスンです。 :This lesson is for those who want to make sure if your Japanese sentences have appropriate grammar, words and phrases.0 分鐘 1,400 點提供試聽 -
JLPT (N1-N5) Prep Class
This is a preparation class for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). We can work through characters, vocabulary, grammar, reading & listening comprehension.25 分鐘 800 點 -
JLPT (N1-N5) Prep Class
This is a preparation class for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). We can work through characters, vocabulary, grammar, reading & listening comprehension.50 分鐘 1,400 點提供試聽