Lesson Summary: Can Robots Compete with Humans?
Understanding Key Terms:
Explain the differences between android, humanoid robot, and robot.
Photo Discussion:
Discuss how robots in the photos change our lives.
Imagine the world without robots.
Debate if robots are better than humans at some activities.
Predict the future of androids.
Share any interesting new robots you've heard of.
Vocabulary Practice:
Choose the correct words in sentences related to sports.
Video Prediction and Summary:
Predict the content of two videos based on a word cloud.
Watch the videos and summarize using specific vocabulary.
Discussion Questions:
Discuss if robots should compete with humans in sports.
Compare the excitement levels of different types of competitions.
Consider who spectators would support in human vs. robot competitions.
Predict the likelihood of robots winning against humans in sports.
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A trip down memory lane…
Lifestyle / Hobbies and Free Time / Past Tenses (*Speaking Class*)50分 2,000P -