Holistic Relationship Coaching

60 分鐘
Explore common relationship issues and find healthier ways to communicate and connect with family and friends


This session is for adults that need support and compassionate guidance through various relationship challenges. As a certified, experienced coach and former somatic therapist, I have gained in-depth skills and awareness on how to growth and develop beyond generational, familial and social traumas, estrangements, and intractable conflicts. 

Relationships are wonderful yet, but they also come with their fair share of challenges. Here are some common ones:

Communication Issues: Poor communication or a lack thereof can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and resentment.

Trust Issues: Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. Trust issues can arise due to past experiences, insecurities, or breaches of trust.

Different Expectations: Partners may have different expectations regarding various aspects of the relationship, such as commitment, intimacy, or future plans.

Conflict Resolution: Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship. The challenge lies in resolving conflicts constructively, without damaging the relationship.

Balancing Independence and Togetherness: Finding the right balance between spending time together and maintaining individual interests and identities can be challenging.

Financial Stress: Money issues, such as debt, differing financial habits, or unequal earnings, can strain a relationship.

Intimacy Issues: Physical and emotional intimacy are crucial for a healthy relationship. Challenges in this area can arise due to various factors, including stress, past traumas, or mismatched libidos.

Family and Social Pressures: External factors, such as pressure from family members or societal expectations, can add stress to a relationship.

Life Transitions: Major life changes, such as moving, changing jobs, having children, or dealing with illness, can test a relationship's strength.

Unresolved Past Issues: Baggage from past relationships or childhood experiences can impact current relationships if not addressed.

Cultural and Religious Differences: Varying cultural or religious backgrounds may lead to differences in values, beliefs, and practices, which can create tension in a relationship.

Technology and Social Media: The increasing role of technology and social media can introduce new challenges, such as excessive screen time, jealousy over online interactions, or comparing one's relationship to others portrayed online.

Most change comes from experiencing genuine care, attunement, and sincere understanding. I'm offer you a safe and confidential space where you can share freely and find peace within. 




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Ana Holistic Coach


週一 08:00   11:00
週三 20:00   22:00
週四 08:00   11:00
週四 20:00   22:00
週五 08:00   11:00
週五 20:00   22:00
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週六 20:00   22:00
週日 08:00   11:00
週日 20:00   22:00
※ 以上為 Asia/Tokyo 時間。
Holistic Relationship Coaching
60 分鐘
3,900 點

Ana Holistic Coach

