Have a personalised chat with a highly experienced, professional fitness trainer - all from the comfort of your own home :-)
I am a highly experienced Personal Fitness Trainer, Yoga Instructor, Pilates Teacher, Nutrition Consultant, and more - with over 13 years of experience around teaching classes, workshops and running gyms all around the world.
If you are struggling to lose weight, put on muscle, would like to tone up, need some healthy meal ideas, are suffering from burnourt, lack workout ideas to reach your peak etc - look no further.
In this lesson you can ask me ANY and AS MANY questions you like and will get a personalised response in order to help kickstart your health.
Whether you have found it difficult to achieve your goals, or perhaps you are an athlete who is unable to reach that higher level of performance - I am here for you, and will provide you with 100% of my attention and expertise to help achieve your dreams.
Together we will make a plan to put you on the right path.
In today's day and age there is simply no reason to have to travel long distances to see exercise trainers and coaches on a regular basis. This is too costly and difficult to manage with our busy lives.
Why not learn the PRINCIPLES and IDEAS to improve your health and take control of your life YOURSELF. With me that is exactly what I offer. I will not encourage you to work with me for a prolonged period of time. I will instead offer you the best solutions and educate you to take care of your health yourself.
In my opinion it is this education that equals freedom.
I look forward to helping you on your journey to health soon!
If you have any questions please feel free to message me :-)
If you are struggling to lose weight, put on muscle, would like to tone up, need some healthy meal ideas, are suffering from burnourt, lack workout ideas to reach your peak etc - look no further.
In this lesson you can ask me ANY and AS MANY questions you like and will get a personalised response in order to help kickstart your health.
Whether you have found it difficult to achieve your goals, or perhaps you are an athlete who is unable to reach that higher level of performance - I am here for you, and will provide you with 100% of my attention and expertise to help achieve your dreams.
Together we will make a plan to put you on the right path.
In today's day and age there is simply no reason to have to travel long distances to see exercise trainers and coaches on a regular basis. This is too costly and difficult to manage with our busy lives.
Why not learn the PRINCIPLES and IDEAS to improve your health and take control of your life YOURSELF. With me that is exactly what I offer. I will not encourage you to work with me for a prolonged period of time. I will instead offer you the best solutions and educate you to take care of your health yourself.
In my opinion it is this education that equals freedom.
I look forward to helping you on your journey to health soon!
If you have any questions please feel free to message me :-)
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の 12時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
- レッスン開始時刻の 12-24時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
- レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
Stretching, Mobility + Breathwork Sheets - Daily Routine
This simple but enjoyable daily routine contains everything you need, and is ideal for you to practice in your own home, regardless of your health, exercise history, or sporting background. All you need is empty space :-)0分 1,000P -
自分の目標やニーズに合ったエクササイズプログラムが欲しいという方必見です!8年以上ロンドンでフィットネスのプロとして働いてきた講師があなたに合ったプログラムを作成します!0分 2,500P -
Customised Healthy Recipe Sheets!
Are you unsure what healthy meals to cook? Are you bored of making the same food every night? These tailored recipe sheets are perfect for you and your likes, dislikes, and health goals!0分 2,000P -
Pronunciation - Vowels - RULES + WORKSHEETS
If you want to master British English pronunciation this 6-page document is the best place to start0分 600P -
痩せたい、筋肉を増やしたい、体を強化したい、あるスポーツのために身体づくりしたい...そんなあなたにぴったりのレッスンです!私は経験を積んだレベル4のパーソナルトレーナーなので、安心してお任せください!30分 1,800P -
51 Common British English Phrasal Verbs - Sheet 1
51 common British English phrasal verbs, their meanings and examples!0分 600P -
食生活を改善したいと思ったことはありませんか?体重を減らしたり、筋肉を増やしたり、体力をつけたいという方はこのレッスンがぴったりです!フィットネスのプロが相談に乗ります!60分 2,500P体験あり -
3-Super Simple Home Workouts (No equipment needed!) + *BONUS* - Free DAILY HOME MOBILITY sheet
If you would like to learn some basic workouts to keep your fitness up whilst at home, this is the perfect sheet for you! No equipment is needed, and there are variations of each exercise for every ability level.0分 500P -
British and American English Differences
If you have ever wanted to know differences in word usage, spelling and more between British and American English - here is the ideal study sheet for you! :-)0分 600P -
31 Authentic British English Idioms - Sheet 1
31 common British English idioms, their meanings and examples! :-)0分 600P -
Proofreading / Corrections / Native Check - Essay writing / Personal Statement etc - Up to 1000 words
Do you want your essay, personal statement or assignment checked and corrected by a native British speaking professional English teacher? Then this is the ideal service for you! :-)0分 1,500P -
Want to learn English AND get fit at the same time!? As a professional English teacher AND Personal Trainer, I can provide you with the perfect lesson :-)45分 2,500P -
Goal Planning, the Future, and how to create your PERFECT life
If you would like to discuss and learn how to effectively plan for the life of your dreams - this lesson is ideal for you!!!50分 2,500P -
イギリス人英語講師と一緒に皆さんの好きなテーマについて議論しましょう!楽しみながら深い会話がしたいという方はもちろん、IELTS・TOEICの練習がしたい方や西洋のライフスタイルについて知りたいという方にもおすすめです。50分 2,300P -
痩せたい、筋肉を増やしたい、体を強化したい、あるスポーツのために身体づくりしたい...そんなあなたにぴったりのレッスンです!私は経験を積んだレベル4のパーソナルトレーナーなので、安心してお任せください!55分 2,700P -
Yoga + Meditation Class
If you would like to balance your body and mind through Yoga and Meditation - this lesson is ideal for you45分 2,500P -
Gentle, relaxing exercise - For MIND,BODY and SPIRIT
This is the perfect short, gentle and relaxing exercise class to release tension, stimulate your brain and reverse the damage the is caused by our modern daily lives15分 800P -
3-Month Written Exercise Programme
This 3-month training programme is tailored to perfectly suit your individual goals, preferences, fitness level, likes and dislikes!!!0分 6,600P -
Fun English language learning for KIDS!
Have fun and learn English at the same time, through conversation, games, stories, role plays and more!!!25分 1,800P -
どんなレベルの方にも楽しんでいただけるレッスンです!ストレッチや筋力トレーニング、可動性を高める練習、呼吸法といったものを通してストレスを解消し、心を落ち着かせ、体のバランスを整えましょう。30分 1,900P体験あり -
Customised - Healthy Food Shopping List
Would you like a simple list detailing hundreds of the healthiest foods that you should keep in your house? This cheap and affordable list is IDEAL for you0分 700P -
Sherlock Holmes / Harry Potter / Game of Thrones etc - Script reading lesson / Role play :-)
Lets role play characters from your favourite TV shows, movies and books!!!!30分 1,800P -
LISTENING practice using authentic British English
Want to improve your listening skills using real British situations, accents and phrases? Perhaps you are going to be moving, studying or visiting an English speaking country? This lesson is PERFECT for you!45分 2,000P -
初回レッスンの前にまずはレッスンの雰囲気を確認しておきたいとは思いませんか?お互いを知るということに焦点を当てた簡単な英会話練習のレッスンです。ぜひお試しください!20分 800P -
経験豊富なプロの講師と一緒にヘルス・フィットネスについて学び、お話しませんか?英語のスピーキング上達も目指せます!ヘルス・フィットネスに興味があり、英語の学習もしているという方にはこのレッスンがぴったりです!30分 1,500P -
Pilates - for improvement of posture and core strength
If you would like to increase your core strength and improve your posture - this is the perfect exercise class for you!!!30分 2,000P -
中国の武術である太極拳を学びましょう!太極拳には1000年以上の歴史があります。体を強くし、心をリラックスさせることができます。年齢やフィットネスのレベルに関わらずすべての方におすすめできるレッスンです。30分 1,700P体験あり -
本物のヨガというのは心と体のバランスのことであり、きちんとバランスを取るには柔軟性と強さが必要です!どちらか一方でも無視してしまうとバランスを失ってしまい、バランスの取れた生活の恩恵を受けられなくなってしまいます。30分 1,900P -
パーソナルトレーナー、栄養コンサルタント、10年以上にわたる菜食主義者としての経験や知識を活かして、皆さんがもっと健康になるのに必要なことをお教えします!60分 2,500P体験あり -
たった15分で脂肪を燃やし、体を引き締めたいと思いませんか?プロのトレーナーと一緒に、シンプルなのにとても効果的なワークアウトに取り組みましょう!設備は必要ありません。15分 900P