NY での生きた英語を使いながら、きもちよく体を動かします。
I am a movement artist and Pilates practitioner originally from Japan.
I've taught Pilates to more than 150 New Yorkers at the Equinox West 92 St, elevate, the space pilates studio in NY, so you'll learn real English used in Pilates sessions in NY now.
I'm native in Japanese, so you can ask me in Japanese if you need assistance with some of fitness jargon.
I also am a movement artist presenting my experimental performances at venues in New York and Japan.
I worked as an interpreter for Japanese Pilates teachers at Rebekah Rotstein's Buff Bones workshop in New York in 2017.
My lessons are carefully tailored to individuals of any body type, age, and activity.
I look forward to sharing the delight of healthy movement through Pilates in English.
Maho Ogawa
Pilates Instructor
- Pilates Mat / Apparatus Certification (Kane School of Core Integration )
- Knee and Hip (Pilates Method Alliance)
- Unraveling Scoliosis (Pilates Method Alliance )
- Pre / Post Natal Exercises (Teri Lee Steele)
- Pilates Exercise Through Pregnancy (Pilates Method Alliance)
- Wonky Bodies: Exploring Hyper mobility (Pilates Method Alliance)
-Stability Creates Flexibility by phi pilates
-Wonky Bodies:Exploring Hypermobility
-Floor me:Anatomy of the Female Pelvis
-Low Back Conditions:Implications for Rehabilitative Programming
-Pilates Through Pregnancy with Deb Goodman
Teaching experiences since 2006:
the space pilates studio (NY)
Equinox West 92nd street (NY)
New Leaf Yoga & Pilates (NY)
Perfect Posture Pilates (NY)
Gold’s Gym (Tokyo)
Yomiuri Culture Center (Tokyo)
Boxmen Dance Academy (Tokyo)
Matsuzakaya Culture School, Ginza&Ueno (Tokyo)
この講師の キャンセルポリシー
- いつでも無料キャンセル可能。
- レッスン開始時刻の 6時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
- レッスン開始時刻の 6-12時間以内→ ご利用ポイントの 50% を頂いております。
- レッスンに現れなかった場合→ ご利用ポイントの 100% を頂いております。
ピラティス全く初めての方へ、ピラティスのご紹介&参加者の方へどのようなエクササイズが合うかカウンセリングするクラスです。身体が硬いと感じる方にもぴったりのクラスです。30分 4,000P -
30min customized Private Pilates
For the people who enjoy many things in life, I'll tailor a 30min customized Pilates lesson for your personal needs and questions. Let's have quick Pilates lessons to prepare your physical condition at your best for your upcoming exciting activities.30分 4,000P -
45min customized Private Pilates
I'll tailor a 45min customized Private Online Pilates lesson for your personalized needs and questions. I look forward to having a personalized lesson with you.45分 5,500P -
NY在住現役でニューヨーカーへ教え、また勉強し続けているインストラクターが最新のNYで行われているピラティス をお教えします。アドバンスト、ビギナーどちらでも対応可能です。インストラクターの方へもおすすめです。50分 6,500P -
NY在住ピラティスインストラクターが、あなたのお悩み・リクエストに合わせたレッスン内容をプログラムしてみっちりtrainingします。一人一人違う身体に合わせたレッスンなのでしっかり効果が出ます。45分 5,500P -