Ainagul Intermediate Russian Vocabulary Expansion

Intermediate Russian Vocabulary Expansion

45 分鐘
Daily Activities



To expand the student's Russian vocabulary related to daily activities and routines.

Lesson Plan:

1. Introduction (5 minutes):

- Greet the student and introduce the topic of the lesson: daily activities vocabulary.

- Explain the importance of learning vocabulary related to daily routines for effective communication in Russian.


2. Presentation of Vocabulary (10 minutes):

- Present a selection of Russian vocabulary words related to daily activities, such as waking up, eating breakfast, going to work, etc.

- Provide examples of sentences using the new vocabulary.

- Encourage the student to repeat after you and practice pronouncing the words.


3. Interactive Vocabulary Practice (20 minutes):

- Conduct interactive exercises to practice using the new vocabulary:

   - Matching exercises where the student matches the Russian words with their English translations:

    - "Утро" -> "Morning"

    - "Завтрак" -> "Breakfast"


  - Picture-based exercises where the student identifies daily activities based on visual prompts:

    - Show an image of a person brushing their teeth and ask the student to identify the corresponding Russian word.

   - Sentence completion exercises where the student fills in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words:

    - "Я каждый день делаю ____ перед работой." (зарядку / завтрак)


4. Real-Life Application (5 minutes):

- Discuss how the newly learned vocabulary can be used in real-life situations, such as describing one's daily routine or making plans with friends.

- Encourage the student to think of examples from their own life where they could use the vocabulary in Russian.


5. Conclusion and Homework (5 minutes):

- Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.

- Assign the student homework to write a short diary entry describing their typical day using the new vocabulary.

- Thank the student for their participation and conclude the lesson.

Feel free to ask any questions or request further clarification on any topic covered in this lesson.

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