Game Plan! Get Ready for Business (Preparing for work)-Textbook
A great lesson for Business Students!
All lessons are created using beautiful PowerPoint slides.
Get Ready for Business. the business textbook is a good textbook for beginner to low Intermediate students who need Business English in the job on a daily basis.
This beginner to low-intermediate lesson uses the textbook Get Ready for Business by Andrew Vaughan & Dorothy E Zemach. This textbook is a three-level series for adult learners of Business English from the beginner to the high-intermediate level.
This textbook is designed for beginner to low-intermediate students needing to learn introduction skills, presentation, meetings, email writing, etc…, through various speaking practice.
The Student's Book contains 12 teaching units. Each unit will take about two lessons to complete. The textbook is only a resource. Each lesson will focus on speaking through various activities. The textbook will be a resource and will have writing activities that will be connected to the lesson target.
I have been teaching many students business English for many years using this textbook. I have found it to be an excellent educational tool to help you learn the basics and help you be successful in your job.
After the first lesson, I will be able to judge and advise you if this textbook is best for you.
If you have any questions, regards to the lesson or textbook, please feel free to contact me anytime. I am here to help you become a great speaker.
I look forward to teaching you soon.
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Course Counseling Session
This is an introductory session for first-time students. I can assess your English level, discuss your goals, and which course is good for you.20分 700P -
Shoot the Breeze! Let’s talk! For beginners! - Short lesson
Afraid to start. Don’t know what to say or how. A great opportunity to just enjoy talking and learn the basics. Learn some easy questions and try to have a short conversation.25分 1,600P体験あり -
Shoot the Breeze! Let’s talk! LESSON PACK of 6 for beginners! - Short lesson
Afraid to start. Don’t know what to say or how. A great opportunity to just enjoy talking and learn the basics. Learn some easy questions and try to have a short conversation.25分 X 6 10,000P6回パック -
Chew the fat! Ready to talk! For high beginner to Advanced level - Short lesson
Ready to Talk! A great opportunity to just enjoy talking. You can talk about anything you wish. Free talk or you choose the topic you want before the class.25分 1,700P体験あり -
Chew the fat! Ready to talk! LESSON PACK OF 6 For high beginner to Advanced level - Short lesson
Ready to Talk! A great opportunity to just enjoy talking. You can talk about anything you wish. Free talk or you choose the topic you want before the class. You can have 6 lessons for the price of 5. What a deal!25分 X 6 10,000P6回パック -
Non stop talking! Advanced level- Breaking News topic discussion
This is a lesson for advanced level students. You will focus on a deep discussion, on a current and interesting news topic.50分 2,800P体験あり -
Non-stop talking! LESSON PACK OF 5! Advanced level- Breaking News topic discussion
This is a lesson for advanced level students. You will focus on a deep discussion, on a current and interesting news topic.5 lessons for the price of 4. What a deal!50分 X 5 10,000P5回パック -
It’s Easy as Pie! Beginner Daily Conversation - Textbook
A textbook-based lesson for beginners. You will focus on introducing yourself and friends; saying hello and goodbye; asking for names and numbers. A great lesson to start off your English50分 2,600P体験あり -
It’s Easy as Pie! Beginner Daily Conversation LESSON PACK of 5 - Textbook
A textbook-based lesson for beginners. You will focus on introducing yourself and friends; saying hello and goodbye; asking for names and numbers. A great lesson to start off your English and much more.50分 X 5 10,000P5回パック -
It’s a breeze! High-beginner Daily Conversation (greetings)- Textbook
A textbook-based lesson for high-beginners. You will focus on introducing oneself; introducing someone; checking information; exchanging personal information; saying hello and good-bye; talking about yourself in detail.50分 2,600P体験あり -
It’s a breeze! High-beginner Daily Conversation (greetings)-LESSON PACK of 5 - Textbook
A textbook-based lesson for high-beginners. You will focus on introducing oneself; introducing someone; checking information; exchanging personal information; saying hello and good-bye; talking about yourself in detail and much more.50分 X 5 10,000P5回パック -
To save the day! Low-intermediate Daily Conversation - Textbook
A textbook-based lesson for low-intermediate students. You will focus on introducing oneself; introducing someone; exchanging personal information.50分 2,600P体験あり -
It’s easy as ABC! 子ども英会話 小学生(1~6年生) スピーキング、リーディング、ライティングをすべて1つに!フォニックスの始まり-教科書-Textbook
ステップバイステップのフォニックスとコミュニケーション レッスンフォーカスAa、Ee、Ii、Oo、Uu、Hello。あなたの名前を教えて?私は____です。それは何ですか?それは__________。 Step-by-Step Phonics and Communication Lesson Focus Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Hello. What's your name? I'm____. What is it? It's an__________.45分 2,500P体験あり -
Barrel of laughs! 子ども英会話 小学生(1~6年生) Speaking, Reading and Writing All in one! Building basic fluency and patterns-Textbook
Step-by-step Building basic fluency and patterns Lesson Focus I'm a ______________. Learning many different kinds of animals and practicing a conversation.45分 2,500P体験あり -
It’s a snap! 子ども英会話 小学生(1~6年生) Speaking, Reading and Writing All in one! Moving into stories and situations-Textbook
Step-by-step lesson This Lesson Focus What is it? It’s a____/ It’s the _______. What is the difference between “a” & “the”, learning many different vocabulary and practicing conversations. This textbook focuses on multi-skill targets. Such as What45分 2,500P体験あり -
It’s a piece of cake! 子ども英会話 小学生(1~6年生) Strengthening personalization and ownership-Textbook
Step-by-step lesson This Lesson Focus Morning activities such as taking a walk, briushing my teeth etc..learning many different vocabulary and practicing them through varies conversations. This textbook focuses on multi-skill targets. Such as morning a45分 2,500P体験あり -
Yes, I can! 子ども英会話 小学(1~6年生) Speaking, Reading and Writing All in one! -Textbook
Step-by-step lesson This Lesson Focus talking about friends, where they live, location of each place etc… learning many different vocabulary and practicing them through varies conversations. This textbook focuses on multi-skill targets. Such as do/ don45分 2,500P体験あり -
Where there's a will, there's a way! Intermediate Daily Conversation - Textbook
A textbook-based lesson for low-intermediate students. You will focus on describing personalities; expressing likes and dislikes; agreeing and disagreeing; complaining.50分 2,600P体験あり