This lesson will explain how we can avoid a confrontation around 90% of the time by developing our awareness
Be aware of the changes in your body and mind during pregnancy, and build up your strength to prepare for childbirth.
ヨガで、マタニティ特有の悩みを和らげましょう♪ 股関節周りを柔らかく保つことは、安産にも繋がります。 レッスンの強度は、その日の状態に応じて調整します。 妊娠中は、気分も体調もコロコロ変わって忙しいですよね。 レッスンの冒頭で、今の状態について確認させていただき、 身体の不快な部分や気になる箇所について、一緒にほぐしていきましょう!
マンツーマンレッスン!! 誰でもカンタン❣️身体各隅々の箇所をもれなく鍛錬出来る学びやすいストレッチ健身体操メディカルタイチ♪
This relaxing lesson is a combination of simple to perform exercises designed to replenish and strengthen your eyesight, improve the health of your eyes, and also rejuvenate the skin on your face.
Punch and kick your way to excellent health!
This Yoga series will challenge your balance and proprioception, which are two important keys for longevity and healthy supple joints.
This 3-month training programme is tailored to perfectly suit your individual goals, preferences, fitness level, likes and dislikes!!!
椅子に座ったまま行う30分のストレッチです。床に直に座るのがしづらい方や、立つことが不安定な方も安心してご参加ください。 また、肩こり腰痛にお悩みの方、オフィスのデスクワークの合間にもしていただけます。
Restore your tired body with first rate relaxing yoga. We will be using the following props (yoga tools): bolsters, blocks (if you do not have any, you can use blankets or cushions that you have at home).
A 'Perfectly Balanced' Yoga Flow for people of all levels to enjoy! De-stress your mind, calm your heart and balance your body though a series of stretches, strength exercises, mobility drills and breath work.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Najada J.B
lily fan
Mark R
Tutor Mark