a structured course based upon a wealth of materials
420時間終了後、さてオンライン日本語講師を始めようと思っている方、どうやってオンライン日本語講師を始めたらいいのか、どこのプラットフォームを選んだらいいのか、どうやってレッスンをしたらいいのか、全くわからない方へ ちょうど1年前にオンライン日本語講師を始めて1年弱でほぼ1000レッスン到達できたやり方をお話します。
Tips, Strategies & Best Examples
These lessons are designed to improve your formal and informal communication. You can learn on how to write formal letters, communications and emails. You can also learn how to prepare presentations and create attractive dashboards for sharing information
Learn about ERM, tools and its implementation. A professional course that can help people pursuing studies or careers in Risk Management. These lessons are designed to support risk professionals in choosing topics or taking the full Enterprise Risk Mana
Practice your intonation, punctuation, pronunciation, and intervals to make your speech or presentation flow naturally.
Practice your intonation, punctuation, pronunciation, and intervals to bring your presentation to life.
how the current carbon market came about, step by step
We dive deeper into business insights, strategy maneuvering/positioning, critical analysis, and raw brainstorming.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Jack in Japan
Cindy Tang
Mutsumi Mukoguchi
Candice Nina
Healing Counselor Sets
Iain Alexander
May K.