Take care of your problems from the root cause and regain your true self!
When you feel stuck, you have trouble imagining a new future. I can help you tap into possibility thinking so you can move toward the change you see for yourself.
職場の同僚と話をするように、講師同士、気楽に色々お話ししませんか? こちらのレッスンでは、プロフィールや、レッスン改善に対して、本格的なアドバイスは行いませんので、ご了承くださいませ。 カフェトーク同僚として(他プラットフォームの方も歓迎です)、気楽にお話ししましょう(#^.^#) 横のつながりができると安心できると思いますよ。
This is a shorter version of my original counselling session. This is ideal for when you have a quick topic you want to talk about, or when you want to update me on something from your previous session.
Why don’t you talk to me about something that is bothering you but you have a hard time telling others about? I will listen carefully while keeping in mind your feelings. (Limited to one session per person)
This lesson is for students who have mastered the basics of Japanese. Camera is OFF for this lesson !
ちょっとだけ話したい方やレッスンを試したい方向け♪ レッスン時間で終了となりますので、長めの相談の方、フィードバックが必要な方は『なんでも相談』をリクエストしてください!
Let's find out what's stopping you from speaking freely. Talk about your goals and expectations.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Jane M.
Mayuko. Sa
James Spurr
Amy Jost
Phillip Knott