Thank you very much for casting your votes and showing your support for your tutors!
After carefully considering all entries against the number of votes received, the number of lessons completed as well as student feedback, we are happy to announce that we have arrived at the winners!
Winners are selected based primarily on student votes, but if the number of lessons completed, and feedback received within the past 6 months is also taken into account. If the number of votes for tutors of the same category are similar, priority may be given to the tutor who hasn't yet received an award in a previous year. We also take the overall popularity of a category into consideration and aim to give equal opportunity to tutors of popular categories and smaller categories alike.
Tutor Comment
Hi everyone! Thank you so so much for your votes. It means the world to me, seriously! Thank you also your constant support and all your kind words. Thank you for bearing with my occasional emergencies and still regularly taking classes despite my crazy schedule due to grad school. (7 more months before I graduate!)
I love each and every encounter with you guys and listening to your life stories always makes my life richer! I am determined to be a better tutor for you guys! Thank you so so much from the bottom of my heart!
Cheers, Dhynna
Tutor Comment Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me! It was a pleasant surprise for me to win the grand prize for a minor language such as Italian, and as a non-native speaker. This is thanks to all of you who believed in me and took my lessons. I might still be a novice, but I will continue to improve my lessons to offer you the best experience possible. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all of the staff members at Cafetalk for their constant support.
Tutor Comment I am truly honored to receive the grand prize. I could not have received this award without the support of all of my students who have taken my lessons and given me their sincere support. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have continued to support me greatly. With this excitement and joy as a new starting point, I will continue to strive to be there for you and provide lessons that are valuable to all of you. I look forward to continue working with you.
Tutor Comment To all my dear students - I am so lucky to have the opportunity to have conversations with all of you, and to share in your struggles and joys as you learn English. With everyone, no matter where they are in their English journey, I always learn many new things. Thank you for taking lessons with me. I’m honored to work with you all!
Tutor Comment I am excited to win the grand prize for the fourth time in a row. As much as I am thrilled about the grand prize, I am even more happy to read the comments from students. I would like to thank the Cafetalk team for creating a place where I can meet wonderful students. I hope many students experience the joy of learning Korean language in 2024.
Tutor Comment I want to thank my SUDA friends(students) for your support. I was surprised to hear about the prize. I started my lesson a year ago, wondering if there would be students who could relate to my teaching method. I was delighted to see students join my lessons one by one. I also learned from my students who have passion for learning Korean. I was excited to see my students improving their Korean skills. I look forward to continue working with you.
Tutors who have won an award in the Cafetalk Awesome Lesson Awards at least 4 times (between June 2014 and December 2023) will be added to the Hall of Fame. Students will still be able to vote for these tutors in the next awards, but they won't receive any additional student vote based awards.
In addition to the vote-based awards there are also data-based award categories, which are based not on student votes but on data accumulated over the past 6 months. Tutors who have already won four or more student vote based awards are still able to win a data based award.
This new section was created in order to give a shout-out to lessons that are unique and less well known. You might be surprised what you can learn online!
*Please note that student feedback is subjective.
Tutor Comment Thank you so much for the grand prize! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of my students who took my lessons, as well as the staff members at Cafetalk for their constant support. Your “dreams” coming true is my wish. I will continue to strive and devise ways to help you achieve your “dreams” in Japanese.