There is no Korean language as beautiful as the lyrics of a song! :)
This lesson is for those who have difficulty in expressing themselves in Korean.
learn Korean consonants and vowels with Koreans
한국사람들이 말하는 방식을 재미있는 에피소드와 같이 공부할 수 있어요.
Beginners and seniors are welcome♡ Learners who are already learning Korean, who want to review, or who want relearn are welcome too! Please book a lesson of your choice! (Lessons are conducted in Japanese.)
(レッスンパック) 初心者・シニア歓迎♡ 途中から始める方、復習や、再挑戦組も大歓迎!お好きな課からどうぞ~!(レッスンは日本語で行います)
You can learn natural Korean talking to a Korean.
This is a 50-minute course using my original textbooks.
Lesson Pack
How native-like is your Korean? Test yourself out here!
This is a lesson that focuses on grammar and conversation. We will be using original textbooks.
The more you get wrong, the more you learn. Be confident and get it wrong! :)
가벼운 마음으로, 즐기는 마음으로, 재미있게 이야기해요:) Let’s chat casually, joyfully, and entertainingly:)
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Andreas Lechner
Satomi Piano
Teacher DORIAN