Thank you very much for casting your votes and showing your support for your tutors!
After carefully considering all entries against the number of votes received, the number of lessons completed as well as student feedback, we are happy to announce that we have arrived at the winners!
Winners are selected based primarily on student votes, but if the number of lessons completed, and feedback received within the past 6 months is also taken into account. If the number of votes for tutors of the same category are similar, priority may be given to the tutor who hasn't yet received an award in a previous year. We also take the overall popularity of a category into consideration and aim to give equal opportunity to tutors of popular categories and smaller categories alike.
Tutor Comment I was pleasantly surprised to hear that I had won the grand prize. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of my students who enthusiastically attend my lessons, even though I am still a novice in teaching Korean, and to everyone who voted and sent their heartfelt comments to me. 정말 감사합니다! I would also like to extend my gratitude to the staff members at Cafetalk who are always there to support me! I will continue to offer lessons to the best of my knowledge and ability. Let's have fun while studying hard!
Tutor Comment This is my second consecutive time to receive the grand prize since the last Cafetalk Awards! I would like to express my deep gratitude to every one of you who showed your support! Every time I prepare a lesson, I always ask myself “is this the best approach for my student?” so all of the kind comments I have received have become an immense support and motivator for me. I will continue to fulfil my role as a tutor and offer lessons that will help each student achieve their goals. Thank you so much for your support!
Tutor Comment I am very surprised and moved by this great honor to receive the Grand Prize!I would like to thank all the students who voted for me, all the students who have been taking lessons with me, all the staff members who have been supporting me, and all the people who have been a part of my life. I will continue to share what I have learned in my 36 years of life with the Italian language with my students! Thank you for your continued support.
Tutor Comment Hello, this is Korean tutor, Yoom. I want to express my sincere gratitude for this amazing award. Thank you! I've always looked forward to meeting and teaching my students. I will continue providing enjoyable and valuable lessons. Thank you very much!
Tutor Comment I am honored and overwhelmed by your kindness. Thank you for voting for my lessons. Teaching you and talking to each and every one of you makes me so happy, beyond words. Let's keep up the good work and enjoy studying together in the coming year. You are all very special to me. Thank you ^^
Tutor Comment I am deeply honored to receive the Cafetalk Grand Prize for the second time. I sincerely appreciate the warm support and encouraging words from everyone. This award motivates me to continue improving as a teacher and to provide even better lessons. Let's keep learning together!
Tutor Comment I am very honored to receive this wonderful award, and I am grateful to all of you for it! In the six years since I started teaching at Cafetalk, I feel that I have had the opportunity to expand my insight and grow through lessons with many different people. Also, the progress of my students and their warm words have been a great source of sustenance for me. I would like to continue to pursue lessons that allow students to experience the joy of learning while accumulating invaluable encounters.
Tutors who have won an award in the Cafetalk Awesome Lesson Awards at least 4 times (between June 2014 and June 2024) will be added to the Hall of Fame. Students will still be able to vote for these tutors in the next awards, but they won't receive any additional student vote based awards.
In addition to the vote-based awards there are also data-based award categories, which are based not on student votes but on data accumulated over the past 6 months. Tutors who have already won four or more student vote based awards are still able to win a data based award.
This new section was created in order to give a shout-out to lessons that are unique and less well known. You might be surprised what you can learn online!
*Please note that student feedback is subjective.
Tutor Comment Thank you so much for your votes and for all the kind comments you left. I would also like to thank all of my students who have been attending my lessons. I have always tried to not only teach Japanese with care, but to also make studying Japanese more enjoyable. I will continue to follow this policy in my upcoming lessons. I hope that all of you enjoy studying Japanese from the bottom of your hearts!