Let's have a chat so you can practice speaking English
JLPT N2・N1を目指したい人に。あなたの状況にあわせて、日本語教師&カウンセラーが合格に向けて応援します。
For students who just need to practice regular conversation, on the topic of their choice
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Yo te enseño.
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為
Writing, reading, listening, speaking
Discover French at your own pace
You want to better understand specific topics and to better express yourself about them ? Let me help you to become more confident in your skills in French !
This lesson will focus on several essential skills: reading, listening, pronunciation and comprehension
Save up with this 10 lesson pack + 1 free lesson. (10 lessons + 1 free lesson included.) For students who want to study Thai language in depth. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate level, or want to study hard, this course is an affordable option.
テーマがあるフリートーキング! 20分
本屋大賞・翻訳小説部門2024年を受賞した『ようこそ、ヒュナム洞書店へ』や『不便なコンビニ』、『保健室のアン・ウニョン先生』など人気韓国小説を原書で朗読し、韓国語の文章を読む楽しさを満喫してみましょう。 原書の入手に二の足を踏んでいる方に朗報! パッケージ受講の方を対象に、紙の書籍をプレゼント。日本のご自宅に国際郵便で届きます。新年は、思い切って韓国語読書にチャレンジしてみましょう。パッケージの有効期間は90日です。
"A picture is worth a thousand words." Good for beginners and intermediate students.
Learning a language is fun and opens up new worlds! Soon you'll have more confidence when using English!
Lesson Pack of 5
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Emanuel T
kazue ishibashi
Mitsui Alice
jjin Park
Raya J
Akko Y.