A specific course focused on sample tests to prepare for the DELF/DALF whether you are under a tight deadline or if you intend to take the test but haven't set any date yet
We can have an everyday discussion, talk about a particular topic, answer random questions or do grammar meets conversation type questions. I can throw in some idioms or phrasal verbs and correct your pronunciation and improve your answers as we go.
For busy people or for people who want to study more between lessons/ 忙しい方かレッスンとレッスンの間にもっと学習したい方の為
5 lesson package for Chinese lessons!
<継続学習者様向け> 生徒さんの個々のニーズに応じたカスタムレッスンです。日英バイリンガル講師のスティーブンがあなたの力になります!
"A good conversation is a compromise between speaking and listening."
유튜브 영상을 바탕으로 특정 주제에 대한 내 생각을 조리 있게 말하는 연습을 하고 실제 한국 사람들이 사용하는 표현을 익힐 수 있는 수업입니다.
Let's have a debate on any topic you would like!
Feedback on 300 words or less
Choose a topic per lesson and practise your Japanese! Recommended for intermediate (N3) and above. *In-Lesson Feedback
This lesson is designed to improve your understanding of Korean culture and society by learning vocabulary used in official situations while listening to Korean news:)
5回パックです。日本語を0からいっしょに 勉強しませんか。教科書&オリジナル教材があります♪レッスンのあとには、ノートを送ります!
基礎をしっかり! 発音、会話文、語彙、文法、そしてYoom先生おすすめの「★特別宿題★」で構成された初級韓国語カリキュラムです。
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Studio Annie
Zach McLaughlin
Amy Jost
Ami sensei
Najada J.B