First time learning Japanese? No problem! You can take lesson in Chinese, so you don’t need any Japanese skills. No textbook? No problem! I will prepare everything for you! I will provide files, so no need to prepare anything. You can start right away!
Let’s talk a lot in Japanese! If you keep practicing conversations, you will be able to speak more fluently. (This is a pack of 5 lessons.)
Would you like to study Japanese in a variety of formats? The study method and lesson content are all up to you!
⚠実際は15分間ではなく9分間です! 語彙力UP ! 英語のみでもOK! 超絶忙しい方、たとえ超短時間でも集中して勉強したい方のため。やる気スイッチを入れる起爆剤として使いたい方も是非どうぞ。15分レッスンにくっつけて24分間にしてもOK! タイマーをセットして、さあ開始!
30 minutes of maximized speaking time for the student. The instructor will be writing corrections on screen or via email.
Current topics in the news
Let's enjoy talking in Japanese like friends, like colleagues!! Don't be afraid of making mistakes just Enjoy!! (※This is Camera off lesson)
Let's enjoy talking in Japanese like friends, like colleagues!! Don't be afraid of making mistakes just Enjoy!!
☆☆☆Let's read the news and general interest articles together in German!☆☆☆
Let's talk in Japanese! Practice your spoken Japanese, improve your fluency and enhance your vocabulary!
スピーキングが苦手な方、トレーニング始めましょう! スキルを加えながら、スピーキング力をUPします。
[For Japanese and Chinese speakers] ネイティブの先生とのおしゃべりで韓国語会話を練習してみましょう! レッスンの後にはフィードバックをいたします。
You can study in a well-balanced manner such as ◆ reading ◆ grammar ◆ New words ◆ listening ◆ writing.
English speakers are welcomed.
Valid for four 45 minutes lessons. 4 Lesson Pack to use it at your convenience. Buy it and use it at your convenience, just tell what you would like to study! VALID FOR 45 DAYS.
生徒さんが50単語までの英文、もしくは単語を読み上げた音声データをオフラインで発音指導+見本の読み上げ! するレッスン
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Je suis David
Kara Bird
Lady Ayame
Amber Rae
A Suzuki