Let's have a free conversation in Korean :-) (Camera OFF is OK)
こちらのレッスンは、 『【50分レッスン受講前 必須】あなただけのオーダーメイドレッスン作り』ご受講後、リクエスト頂ける 英語レッスンです。
You can take any lesson with this pack. You can mix and match based on what you like :)
Have you always wonder if you're speaking English naturally? I'll correct your mistakes and suggest new ways of expressions. :)
Valid for four 45 minutes lessons. 4 Lesson Pack to use it at your convenience. Buy it and use it at your convenience, just tell what you would like to study! VALID FOR 45 DAYS.
<アワード受賞レッスン> 生徒さんの個々のニーズに応じたカスタムレッスンです。日英バイリンガル講師のスティーブンがあなたの力になります!
This lesson is designed for students who want to achieve their TOEIC target score or pass the English Proficiency Test. Students can choose to work on reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
⚠実際は15分間ではなく9分間です! 語彙力UP ! 英語のみでもOK! 超絶忙しい方、たとえ超短時間でも集中して勉強したい方のため。やる気スイッチを入れる起爆剤として使いたい方も是非どうぞ。15分レッスンにくっつけて24分間にしてもOK! タイマーをセットして、さあ開始!
Perfect for maintaining your English conversation skills.
Are you on a busy schedule? Even talking a little bit every day helps. This is a short 15 minute lesson!
Read an article, learn new vocabulary/expressions, and give your opinion! Level: intermediate ~ advanced
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Kayla T
Yumi Nakamura
Izumi W
Rena Taiwan
Kelly J Teacher