Lesson Pack
This guided reading session will work on your pronunciation, intonation, word stress and pace. Reading from TED talks also improves your understanding of grammar through new words in a speech, phrases and idioms.
韓国語で会話をしましょう。 自己紹介から趣味、性格(MBTI), 好み、旅行、映画、ドラマ等日常会話をしましょう。 話題と質問紙を送ります。
If you would like to take lessons via zoom, please consider taking this lesson option.m(_ _)m
한국어를 처음 시작하는 분과 기초를 마치신 분을 위한 과정
Are you studying Italian on your own but don’t know how well you can speak it because you haven’t had the opportunity to chat in Italian? Don’t worry about making mistakes! Don’t worry about having a limited vocabulary! I will be you conversation partner!
Let me help you (or your child) ace tests and homework for school
☆中国語入門から基礎まで、短期間で強化したい方におすすめ☆ 日常会話でよく使う言葉やフレーズなどを中心に勉強できるレッスンです。 中国語教室でも良く使用されているテキストを使用します。
4歳~高校生までのクラスです♪未経験の方大歓迎です! お一人おひとりと、しっかり向き合うオーダーメイドなレッスンをさせていただきます!
Sing an English song to me and let me help you with your pronunciation (^-^)/
Let’s think about the situation using the given sentence and use that sentence to play a role. A exemplary sentences are provided by the teacher.
Students will learn from the swing rhythm unique to jazz and the notes that make up a chord, and gradually learn to play from a lead sheet (melody + chord notation). You will also learn voicings (how to choose notes when playing chords) that sound like ja
Let’s have fun chatting in Japanese☆
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
ikuko sensei
Ami sensei
Kyoko O.
Jack in Japan