「お手頃(reasonable)」×「短時間(short time)」 忙しくても続けやすいフリートークレッスンです。 レッスンの後は、「speedy feedback」で復習することもできます。
For those who want to practice regularly
Portuguese basic
Learn useful expressions when expressing an opinion. This lesson is useful if you're engaged in discussions where you have the need to share your views. It is also useful for Part 3 of the IELTS .
得点力UPを目指す技能に集中したレッスン。苦手を克服して合格を目指そう! ※ライティングの添削や2次対策も可能です。
最初からコツコツ!! でも… スピード感を持ってレベルアップ出来るように50分しっかりサポートします。
Creative Maths for Primary School Kids
★★期限60日★★ 1Lessonあたり50ポイントお得に受講できます ご要望が多かった30分レッスン6回のパックです。Feed back なし CameraOff 簡単な指導ありです
Practical Everyday English using lesson material
An introduction to the German language in English or Japanese.
More time to practice your spoken English, improve your fluency and enhance your vocabulary!
Suitable for beginners to advanced learners. Please feel free to speak Japanese!
Let's improve your Japanese!
What kind of sound does a piano make? Have your child experience all the different sounds that the black and white keys bring to life. Great for kids who are just starting out (^^) Great for kids who want to get even better (^^)
(Lesson Pack) Beginners and seniors are welcome♡ Learners who are already learning Korean, who want to review, or who want relearn are welcome too! Please book a lesson of your choice! (Lessons are conducted in Japanese.)
Let's learn together!
Pick any topic you would like to chat or discuss.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Teacher Judy
ikuko sensei
Ana Cristina
Pilar Barrera
Andreas Lechner
Anna Y