Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
Учители иностранных языков, бизнесмены, бывшие актёры, художники и даже японские преподаватели за границей - узнайте, о чем говорят профессионалы на Cafetalk.
子ども向け英語と初心者向け英語をメインにレッスンを行うとうこ講師のインタビューページです。英検対策にも対応。自身が英語を始めたきっかけや子どもを英語嫌いにさせないよう心がけていることなどをご紹介します! -
整理収納アドバイザーsayuri iwadate講師にインタビューしました!
オンラインで片付け教室を行うsayuri iwadate講師のインタビューページです。今や片づけは学ぶ時代。ライフオーガナイズとは何か、片付けに興味を持ったきっかけ、休日の過ごし方などについて聞きました! -
Yamane Tutor Interview
I think it’s a great idea to learn more about the unique aspects of culture that Japanese people don’t express in words. This knowledge will come in handy when you interact with them. I will give you tips on studying Japanese language and culture, and make it fun! I hope that learning Japanese will make Japan even more fun for you.Featured Lessons
25min 300
50min 5,000
50min 5,000
Silvia & the Fishes on Fridayというフォークデュオでも活躍するイタリア語講師Guidoのインタビューページです。現在住んでいるイタリアのウーディネの様子や日本への留学経験、音楽活動などについて取材しました! -
Olga Tutor Interview
I was born in Russia and I have graduated a school there, after what I moved to Italy. Now I live in Milan and study engineering at Polytechnic University of Milan. In future I would like to create robots!Featured Lessons
15min 300
50min 2,000
25min 1,600
明るく元気いっぱいの日本語講師Masumi senseiにインタビュー!
今現在の生きた日本文化を伝えたいという思いを持って日本語を教えているMasumi senseiのインタビューページです。レッスンの特徴や千葉県での生活、休日の過ごし方などについて伺いました!Featured Lessons
20min 500
25min 900
50min 1,500
Eva B Tutor Interview
My advice to students is this: If you’re nervous about speaking when you’re learning a new language, the best thing to do is practice a lot – even by yourself. Practice a self introduction and asking questions in the bath, or find some youtube videos and repeat what they say. This will help you with pronunciation and to learn the way a native speaker says things.Featured Lessons
25min 1,200
25min 8,600
50min 2,500
Dani L. Tutor Interview
My Enlgish lessons are extremely well planned and organized, there’s no time wasted, and I enjoy forming a trusting relationship with my students. When students trust the teacher, they feel free to ask questions, and know that it’s okay to ask the same question repeatedly until they understand.Featured Lessons
15min 1,000
15min 500
25min 1,600
Kirsten Tutor Interview
I teach ESL at a community college in Bellingham. Our program draws international students from all over the world to study English and complete prerequisites before transferring to an American university to pursue their degrees. I learn so much about different cultures of the world working with my students.Featured Lessons
30min 2,200
50min 3,200
30min 1,800
Nicole K.'s Tutor Interview
Hi everyone, My name is Nicole Kenneally. I’ve been living in New York for about 10 years now. I love New York City and there are tons of areas there that any tourist would enjoy. My top three would be the Empire State Building, Central Park and of course the Statue of Liberty. I currently live in Mahopac, NY which is an hour and a half away from the city and is part of Putnam County. My husband and I chose Mahopac because we feel that it’s a much better area to raise our children.Featured Lessons
45min 2,600
30min 1,500