Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
Учители иностранных языков, бизнесмены, бывшие актёры, художники и даже японские преподаватели за границей - узнайте, о чем говорят профессионалы на Cafetalk.
タイの南部、サムイ島に住んでいます。海に囲まれ、山もあり、自然を満喫しています。海から数メートルのピーチハウスに住んでいます。子どもが学校に行っている間、私は翻訳や日本語教育の勉強をしたり、時には日本の文化の紹介をしたりもしています。タイ語と英語を日常的に使っています。 -
Mick Tutor Interview
Lastly the most important message I can give you, is to believe in yourself. Do not give up just because you feel like you cannot do it at times or that somebody else is learning English quicker than you are. People learn at different rates, not everyone learns at the same speed. Even a little English skill is better than none. If you fail at something, do not see it as failure. Instead look at it as a part of your learning. When you have reached a goal, such as learning new vocabulary, reading a book or understanding an English movie, congratulate yourself, and give yourself a treat. Maybe buy yourself something nice, enjoy a nice coffee or take yourself out to a nice restaurant as a reward.Featured Lessons
30min 1,400
30min 1,400
30min 1,300
カフェトークの皆さん、こんにちは。Ringoです。英語を教える仕事を始めて13年ほど経ちます。たくさんの方とお話して楽しいときを過ごせるこの仕事が大好きです。Featured Lessons
40min 800
40min 2,200
40min 2,200
オンラインでドイツ語を教えるShoko_T講師のインタビューページです。ドイツ語を全く話せない状態で渡独したものの、1年後には学会発表ができるくらい上達。その秘訣やドイツの街、レッスンで大切にしていることを聞きました!Featured Lessons
25min 1,500
25min 5,500
0min 4,000
Maryse Tutor Interview
Everybody can learn foreign language, if you need or want for the pleasure. It helps to communicate but also to understand the way of thinking in other cultures. And with a good teacher and a good method, it can be easy and amazing!!Featured Lessons
0min 1,500
30min 1,500
30min 1,500
ゼロから韓国語をはじめ、今では講師歴6年目になるAyame講師のインタビューページです。韓国だけでなく中国への留学経験もあり、中国語と英語も堪能。留学生活のことや外国語学習のコツ、おすすめレッスンなどをご紹介します!Featured Lessons
50min 2,500
50min 1,500
50min 1,200
Michael Rands tutor interview
Hello. My full name is Michael Paul Rands. I really enjoy offering English lessons, so please have a look at my profile. I can help with many different aspects of your studies. I’ve really enjoyed meeting and working with some of you already, and I really hope I get to meet more of you in the future.Featured Lessons
30min 1,800
50min 2,600
30min 1,800
通訳・翻訳の仕事をしながらカフェトークでイタリア語を教えるKayo講師のインタビューページです。イタリア在住歴は10年目。イタリアに渡ったきっかけや通訳・翻訳家としての仕事、音楽の話などを聞きました!Featured Lessons
35min 1,400
20min 800
0min 1,500
Emi H Tutor Interview
Shodo is one of the things I am great at. I have 20 years of experience. I once was an examiner to the elementary Shodo test. I have won prizes as well. I’ve created lesson because my friend requested. I only offer these lessons to Japanese or Japanese advanced students.Featured Lessons
0min 900
0min 700